Scott and Malia glanced at each other through the chaos and silently communicated a plan. The two of them creeped away from their hiding spots making Argent and Brooke slightly confused but they allowed the two to carry on with no questions. The two sneaked around behind the men who still continued to shoot. Scott grabbed the first by the shoulder, flinging him backwards and making his head harshly hit the concrete which knocked him out.

Malia kicked hers in the leg before taking hold of his head and slamming him back into the ground. Though as she went for the final guy, he turned around and raised his gun right at her. The werecoyote stood still with wide eyes, scared. Brooklyn quickly got out from behind the crates and crept up at the guy's side and kicked him in the back of the knee. He was sent off his feet and land cruelly on both knees as Argent also came beside him and held his pistol at the man's head.

The man in uniform immediately dropped his gun and it clattered to the floor, scattering some bullets as it did so. "Who are the guns for?" Argent asked. The guy kept silent, fidgeting a little with his hands when he dropped something else to the floor. A grenade. Brooklyn, Scott, Malia and Argent recognised what it was as soon as the small, black weapon hit the floor and shot away from it.

The man also ran for it, getting away as the other four were knocked to the floor as the explosion went off seconds later. Smoke clouded their vision and their ears rung slightly as the groaned from their positions on the floor but over it all they were still able to hear the screeching of tyres as the man escaped by car.

The four of them staggered to their feet, Scott coming over to help Brooke and hold her close. They were just able to see the small up flick of dust and dirt the car left behind as it drove out of sight. "For the record, I had everything under control." Argent stated.

The other three moved over to him and Malia looked around dubiously. "Clearly." she commented.

"How did you find me?" Argent inquired.

"They did it." Malia said immediately pointing at Brooke and Scott to pin the blame on them.

Brooklyn shook her head and sighed at her cousin as Scott answered, "You left your computer in the bunker."

"Ah." Argent hummed. "I guess I need a new password."

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

After asking Argent about the bullet with the Fleur-de-lis that had killed the dead Hellhound, he told them it want him and that he hadn't made any unusual sales recently so they needed to find the slug of the bullet if they wanted to find out the identity of killer. Which is what led the three teens to now be running through Beacon Hills preserve headed to the spot were the Hellhound had been murdered.

However, running through the uneven terrain, in the middle of the night, trying to keep up with a werewolf and a werecoyote who seem intent of going as fast as they can, when you're practically human, is impossible. And Brooke knew it. The girl stopped, leaning her body against a tree as she panted heavily to try and get back all the oxygen she had lost. "Please, for the love of all things holy," she called to the two superhumans who continued to run, "can we stop for a moment so I don't die."

Malia and Scott stopped, shared a few words, turned around and jogged their way back over to the Hale girl with grins on their faces. Brooklyn's eyes flicked suspiciously between the two of them. Why were they grinning? They shouldn't be grinning.

"Struggling, Brooke?" Scott asked sweetly, too sweetly.

"Can you not keep up?" Malia chimed. She also looked too jolly. She shared a glance with Scott as the two struggled to hold back laughs that Brooklyn couldn't notice.

2. Seeing Purple | Scott McCallWhere stories live. Discover now