"Hey, hey!" Flaggy stepped between them before their conflict could escalate. "Let's get to the point here. Marble, do you know how Flower died?"

Marble shot one more glance at WL4 (who stuck his tongue out at her) before answering. "I believe so. See, that wire there-" She pointed towards a wire that snaked under the room's exit and over the top of the nearest stall's walls. "-was plugged into an outlet on the outside of the building. I think the murderer plugged it in, came through here while Flower was showering, and tossed the live end of the wire over the stall walls and electrocuted her."

Several people winced. "I couldn't see any other wounds, so I figured electrocution was the logical conclusion. She must have fallen over and knocked the stall door open when she died, because she was already on the floor when I got here," she concluded.

Curious, Cheesy grabbed the wire hanging into the stall and pulled on it hard. It, as well as something heavy attached to the other end, flew over and landed in Cheesy's arms. Fittingly enough, it was TV's mechanical arm. "Eugh!" the boy yelled, instinctively dropping the limb before remembering it wasn't flesh and blood. Most of the fake skin had been stripped away, leaving the multiple wires inside for everyone to see. Several had the copper filaments exposed to the open air, with some of them connected to the main wire leading outside.

"You clown." Marble shook her head. "If I hadn't already unplugged that from the outside outlet, you'd probably be dead."

"How did your arm get in here, TV?" Marshmallow questioned.

"I brought it back to my cabin yesterday and left it under my bed. Someone must have... broken in and stolen it while we were asleep in the lounge."

"Then the most logical line of questioning we should ask next is about the 'game night,'" said Brain. "Marble, Suitcase, and I were the only ones not to attend, correct?"

Bone gave him a sideways glance. "You do realize you just put yourself on the suspect list right?"

Brain shot him a condescending look. "I am not a simpleton. Now, it also seems that everyone who went to the lounge also fell asleep there. Who was the last one awake?"

"Uh, I... think it was me?" Marshmallow offered. "No, wait... almost. Me, WL4, and Bone were the last ones awake for a while, but I fell asleep before you guys, didn't I?"

"Yeah," WL4 confirmed, Bone backing him up with a nod. "Then Bone fell asleep right after you, and I only lasted for a few more minutes before conking out myself."

"Hmm," Brain hummed.

Hesitantly, Bowling Ball spoke up. "When I woke just a few minutes ago, Flower, WL4, and Bone were already somewhere else. Bone I encountered in here, but I don't know where WL4 went."

"I was hungry," WL4 stated plainly. "Besides, if you'd been bunking with Flower for the past couple of days, you'd be automatically waking up earlier too."

"...what do you mean?"

"God." He rolled his eyes. "Every morning, she wakes- er, woke- up at, like, 6 or something, to shower and put on make up and do her hair to 'make sure she's as beautiful as she can be.' And she's so LOUD about it. I haven't been able to sleep in at ALL since I got here."

The others turned to him. "So... you knew about Flower's showering schedule beforehand?" Flaggy clarified.

"Yeah. Why?"

"That means you're a prime suspect!" Bottle claimed cheerfully.

Warioy's eyes widened. Then he burst out laughing, clutching his stomach. "Oh! Oh, you guys think- hah! That's golden." He wiped away a tear. "You guys think I killed Flower? Nice joke."

Yet Another Murder Mystery (multi object show fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now