But for one Edinburgh, it was a sleepless one. She hurried past to those same hallways. Passing both Wales and Independence. She's running towards the room where they first set their first meeting. Both the adviser, and secretary followed Edinburgh who looks like she's about to fall down in fatigue.

The restless maid finally got to the dorm door. But was so tired from running that she didn't get any will to open it. And so Wales did it for her. The 3 walk in and see the main girls who is in the group. All of them did not expect Independence to be with Wales.

With her tails moving around sporadically, Akagi gave a questioning look to Wales. Why is she here? She wasn't invited. And as far as she knows she's just another rival to Akagi.

"Wales, why is she here? I don't remember her being here last time? Correct?" said Akagi.

Not eager to start a confrontation in a major step forward of the group, she turned around to look at Independence and whispered something to her and then tapped her shoulder. And Independence started tip-toeing out of the room, being apologetic to her senpais as much as possible.

As that was over, all of the girls looked at Edinburgh with a mixed bag of emotions. Mainly, worry and concern. And the emotions were also written all over the girl's faces. Her fellow maid and her younger sister, Belfast, Illustrious, King George V, and Wales next to her.

The rest of them? Akagi and Kaga were indifferent to her condition, and Eugen and Tirpitz looking at each other to say something to move the meeting forward.

So Edinburgh sat down on the floor and grabbed the pictures from her pocket and a note. And she stood up, moved past some girls and fell down on the bed with a thud. Belfast immediately stood up and tried getting her to proper sleeping position.

Everyone else however, started to look at the note and the picture. The note reads:

"It's a picture of a child, (Caster, most likely.) and two adults next to him side to side. (???) We could assume who they are, but right now, that doesn't give us any leads on his problems." The note had noticeable really jagged writing, assuming from the fatigue she caused to herself and for her duty.

And after some talking on who they might be... It's looking more and more likely that this might be a dead end.

And Enterprise was the first one to bring it up. And the thought now spread like plague to everyone's mind.

Belfast stepped in to be the last one to look at the picture... And like everyone else, she can just only assume, but never know if she's right or not. It frustrated her a little, though she might have a good idea for who they are. But the consensus is clear and there's no salvaging this morale of this room.

"I'm afraid this doesn't tell us much, Belfast. It was your idea also." Illustrious spoke softly, also a bit lost on what to do next.

"What now?" said Kaga. "And if another good idea isn't made soon, we might be forced to talk to him personally."

"We have to put those items back into their place. If Commander can see them again, our cover's blown." Hornet reminded everyone.

"I, King George shall put them back into their place. You can trust me with these important items." King George chipping in and being a volunteer.

Eugen and Tirpitz looked at each other... Tirpitz whispered something to Eugen's ear, while the rest and chatting amongst each other. And then Belfast got up from the bed where Edinburgh was sleeping in, and took center stage.

"I apologize for my grave miscalculations. It was the only thing that I could find that gave me intrigue. Now please, all of us, suggest some ideas. We don't have a lot of time to sit here doing nothing." Belfast lowered her head, and she heard someone clearing her throat. Whether if it was on purpose or not, she raised to her head to see Tirpitz held her left fist to cover her mouth and she raised her right hand.

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