When I reached my office, a dozen red roses were waiting for me on my desk. Freshly plucked, long stemmed, still scented. There was no note attached, but I didn't need a confirmation as to who it was. The dominant way they sat on my table, dulling everything around them told me who it was.

Another surprise waited for me in my office. The smile that had reached my face completely vanishing. "Jordan."

He hastily got up. "Nora, hi. I've been calling you-"

"And I've not been picking up for a reason." I finished.

"I need to talk to you-"

"But I don't want to." I crossed my arms on my chest and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Showing up at my office is pretty bold of you. But it's a waste of time."

"He's not good for you." He walked towards me, his face pleading with mine to understand. "I'm not here to ask you to give me another chance-"


"-but I care for you, Nora. You're too good for him. He's a-"

"Ironic, isn't it? You say you care for me when you showed me the exact opposite of care." I said. "And my relationship is none of your business."

"Did you know he was engaged before?" 

I blinked, now suddenly very cautious. "How do you know that?"

His expression dropped. "You do know. Did you know why Sydney broke it off?"

"How the fuck do you know that?" I asked forcefully. Nicolas hadn't gone public with his engagement for a reason. He didn't want people to know. 

"Sydney told me. I met her at a shoot a few weeks back. She broke it off because he cheated on her, Nora."

"She cheated on him." I seethed out. "She slept with a guy-"

"She did. But only because he slept with someone before!" Jordan exclaimed. "Look, I know we didn't end on the best terms, but we had been friends before. I really do care for you. I just-"

"Stop. Don't." I said through gritted teeth. "Get out."

He shook his head, walking out of the door without another word. I didn't believe one thing he said. He was a liar. He twisted people's words and presented his own story. But his visit disturbed my mind. Was Sydney going around and telling people? I didn't understand why she would do that especially when that chapter had closed long back. 

And if she had said what Jordan claimed, if she had lied and tried to sabotage Nico's image, she and I would have a huge problem. 


I stared at Nicolas as he chopped off the garlic. I was sitting on a bar stool, while he cooked dinner. I loved watching him when he couldn't stare back at me. I loved watching him do something he was good at, apparently, everything. I decided to bring up the topic before he found out on his own. "Jordan came to visit me today."

He continued chopping, not looking my way. "I know."

"Then I suppose you know why he came?" I raised an eyebrow. When he didn't say anything, I continued. "He knows about your engagement."

His hand froze. His posture became rigid and cautious as he turned around to look at me. "What?"

"Apparently, Sydney told him." I said. "And, she told him something entirely different than what you told me."

"And you believe him?" 

"No." I said without a beat. "No, I don't."

"What did he say?"

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