CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 5

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Bellamy almost didn't believe Draco when he gave his explanatory excuse about it but then he relaxed upon remembering how close and trusting Helen is towards her blond friend and brother. Draco knew it too when he saw how Bellamy relaxed next to him and he's relieved that Bellamy didn't instantly think that he's a bad guy after confessing such a shocking revelation like that out of the blue.

It didn't take long for Draco to change the subject as he asked dryly to Bellamy, "So can you tell me what's up with your friend and colleague, that is Clarke Griffin? She can't seem to stop annoying or needling me whenever she wanted to, to make me blow my temper or something. And I thought having little Madi picking me as her new favorite guardian and protector would have lessened her irritating bites towards me."

Bellamy burst out chuckling and quickly shook his head and cleared his throat to calm and compose himself before Draco glares at him as he explains the truth about Clarke's kind of defiance over someone that she likes or doesn't like. "She does that only to make fun or get a rise out of somebody so that she'll know their true nature and motives and find out whether they're good and trustworthy or something of that kind. It's been her way all that time ever since she's been training as a medic and everything."

"Seriously?! It's just her bloody assessment when it comes to other people!?" Draco said incredulously with a raised disbelieving brow as he points out in a dry sarcastic voice. "In my professional opinion--a trained Healer should not irritate or meddle into their own patients, just to find out about their true natures. It's downright rude and personal for them to be nosy and such upon doing that."

Bellamy shrugged, "It's been that way for her as long as I can remember since my sister first made friends with her at the time back then. I don't know mainly her real reasons why she does it but she decided to stick to that way to feel every person out and knowing the truth about them. Don't get too focused on it, Clarke really meant no harm."

Draco snorted, "Oh right, harm as in the way she kept calling me 'Ice Prince' much as I retort in calling her 'Little Princess' right back. Speaking of that--how come she's not bothered that I call her that whenever she gripes at me?"

Bellamy shrugged again but gave him an amused wry grin. "Probably because she got too used to being called Princess since I was the one who first started calling her that and she desensitized over it."

"Well, thank you for that, Mister Blake," Draco said at him in a sarcastic tone again, making Bellamy chuckle instead of bristling at his dry bland remark on it.

Both young men relaxed upon having this some kind of man-to-man friendly talk with one another, and it looked like Draco is starting to trust Bellamy much more than the other one does for him, and in the future, the friendship will grow even more once they rely on and trust one another to survive through this monster apocalypse.

Who knows or what will come on the next step of their journey? As they prepare to move forth on it when the deadline comes that they need to leave their safe place again, which was only temporary by then because of the soon-to-be fading magic spell, and that there are only a few days left for it to wear off.

Onto the next chapter for the story of their journey the next time...there's no telling what more surprises or revelations will come next or so on and so forth.




"Night-Sky Terrors" - small bat-like creatures that are blind but heavily reliant on sound, sharp teeth, and clawed talons

"Fur-Boar" - gigantic tank-sized monster boar with lots of long furs all over its body to survive through very cold winter seasons or icy places such as Canada or Antarctica, big sharp tasks, heavy hooves, but has a short-temper, easy to subdue as prey despite its monster state

"White Tower Mantis" - very tall and gigantic white Praying Mantis monsters, as tall as the trees themselves, taller than a normal giraffe, and its white armor-like skin is able to blend in through any white surroundings or a snowy landscape. Strengths are only reliant on sounds and touch through its head-feelers, but great weaknesses are found to be cutting the inner smaller feelers off as they are sensitive, and the added fact that other praying mantis will prey on their own upon sensing an injured or weak one.

"Unknown" shadowy-like tentacle monster - a many beady-eyed dark shadow-kind monster found accidentally by Neville upon its frozen corpse, and has many tentacles, similar to an octopus but has more than eight appendages.

"Unknown" porcupine and pangolin hybrid - a combined mix pangolin armored monster being with porcupine sharp spikes poking out from in between gaps of its scaly armor, long ant-eater tongue, has a very friendly personality but can be provoked into harming others by curling into a scaly ball with its sharp spikes out.




Another chapter of the story finished! I hope you like it!

The GUIDE above these author's notes is the list of monsters that are already written and shown throughout this story. The "Unknown" parts mean that they don't have names or titles yet of the monsters the story survivors have discovered or found.

There will be more of this and others very soon, I promise!

Enjoy Readers!




MONSTERS, MAGIC, AND LOVE (Harry Potter x The 100 TV - crossover Fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat