CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 4

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They blushed in embarrassment upon realizing it but when they're about to ask Draco what's his plan on taking down the monster boar, the blond mage simply replied to them that they wait for his signal at the right time when he gets the monster boar's attention solely focused only at him, and then he suddenly disappeared before their very eyes with a soft cracking sound.

It took a split-second later for Draco to reappear again, when they turned upon hearing that same soft cracking sound that he disappeared seconds ago before, and they saw him standing right next to the monster boar so calm and composed while they stared stunned shock.

"What the--? How did he do that!?" Jill cried out incredulously, stopping herself quickly from shouting out loud.

"Did you know that Draco can teleport?!" Jack demanded at Bellamy and Murphy shocked.

"Truthfully--he and the others forgot to mention to us that they can!" Bellamy confessed, still staring wide-eyed in wonder and shock upon seeing Draco just magically teleport from one place to another right before their eyes, almost rendering them stunned speechless.

"Ohh boy...I think I now know what Draco meant by getting its attention focused only right at him!" Murphy said, his eyes widening even more when he saw, and then the others did too as Draco calmly took out his sword from the cane and then pointed its sharp tip to the boar's bottom.

With one sharp deep prick, the monster boar instantly squealed out roaring in surprised pain and the others winced, nearly covering their ears from the slightly loud sound that echoed through the forests, making a few birds on the trees fly away with fright by the sudden noise.

Draco teleport again, popping away from the monster boar when it rounded abruptly, huffing and puffing with angry blazing eyes as it looked around on what dared to hurt its bottom just like that and the blond reappeared a few feet away from the boar, near some thick trees and he whistled sharply to get its attention. When the monster boar turned and snorted in confusion upon seeing Draco standing in front of it a little distance away, it instantly became angry upon seeing the human wave his sword at him, showing that he's the one who poked its butt with the sharp thing.

"Toro--Toro!" Murphy joked a little as they watched Draco try to lure and agitate the monster boar, focused only at him so that the others will take advantage of firing upon it once the blond wizard sends out the signal when he does at the right precise time.

It didn't take long for the boar to roar in some sort of horn-blowing sound and it charged blindly with rage at the blond mage standing there, taunting at him with his sword-cane and Draco just stood there, waiting for the right moment to move and signal the others to fire and aim straight for the instant deadly kill.

Draco quickly disappeared with a sound POP and the charging boar had no time to skid to a stop when it crashed right into one of the thick trees face-first and its big tusks on its snout got stuck upon stabbing deeply into the trunk.

Draco reappeared back to the others, in front of them and turned his head, and yelled snapping at Bellamy and Murphy with a pointed gesture. "AIM RIGHT AT ITS EYES AND SHOOT!"

Bellamy and Murphy jumped into action, following Draco's orders and both positioned themselves in the left and right sides of the monster boar as it tried to extract itself from the tree with vain efforts and they didn't hesitate as they shot straight into the monster's eyes, killing it instantly. For Bellamy, he only shot once with the sniper rifle at the left eye but Murphy did a little overkill when he shot three times with the shotgun at the right one.

Draco cocked a brow at this while Bellamy looked at his friend disbelievingly when Murphy made a bloody mess upon shooting at the boar too much at the right side like he's double-tapping to make sure that the monster's really down and dead.

MONSTERS, MAGIC, AND LOVE (Harry Potter x The 100 TV - crossover Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora