CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 2

Start from the beginning

Even though Jake learned his lesson the hard way to not neglect his wound again and make himself sick, Draco pointedly glared at Neville like he's blaming him for what happened to their new guest and he didn't stop him from getting sick, which might cause a delay on their planned deadline to leaving their temporary safe place. But Helen and Luna caught the silent exchange and both female mages stared down at Draco to not blame Neville for his faults because Jake and the other new survivor teens wanted to contribute upon accepting and taking them into their group.

And the reasons being for them doing that is because it finally took them only a day to realize and know that the group the new survivors are integrating with, are actually good people and truly friendly ones, which they no longer have to worry about upon being taken in and accepted by them, getting closer, and caring for one another like they're all one big family.

And speaking of the family--it was easy for the new kids to be accepted by the other children when they woke up and found out of their new guests. Especially both Teddy and Faith were delighted upon seeing the others and made friends with them, so fast that it surprised their adult guardians. Little Annie is also delighted upon having another baby friend, that is Hope Rose, and didn't mind watching over her and playing a little, even though Hope Rose is younger than she is. Andy was a little jealous upon seeing that but then he became closer to Jordan as he viewed him as his older brother or something, which Jordan didn't mind.

As for Madi, she's still shy and distant from the others except for her old caretakers and child friends, even with the other kids to make friends with. But she kept being clingy and closer to Draco only as she viewed him like he's her new hero or something, and no matter how much Charlotte or the other teens of her group tried to dissuade her away, she just brushed them off and clutched tightly to Draco like she feared he'll disappear from her sight forever if she doesn't let go of him.

Draco didn't mind this as he was used to being viewed as the protector or as a 'hero' of his group when it was only the four of them and their kids back at the time, but now with Bellamy and Murphy in the mix, and possibly followed and going to be added by Jack and Jake (once the African teen boy's injury heals), he's a little disturbed that the child Madi is clinging to him like a real limpet and only trusting him to protect her and keep her safe, even with her group.

Helen, Luna, Clarke, and Octavia, on the other hand, were amused upon seeing this kind of scene from Draco and little Madi. Draco caught the looks from Helen and Luna only and gave them a silent warning expression to not tell the others about it as usual, but he didn't know that Clarke and Octavia had already seen this and spread it to their two friends and Neville about it, including the new survivors too so that they know that Draco wasn't always the cold-shoulder type moody 'Ice Prince' that he tries to portray his whole person as.

From time to time during those two days, Bellamy or Jack would smile warmly at the sight when Draco let Madi cling to his leg or carry her around in one arm whenever she begged for it, and Draco would glare at Murphy or Neville whenever they teased him about it, which Murphy was the only one brave enough to face against Draco's intimidating icy glare and everything.

As for the secrets that the new group was hiding, it was instantly revealed when the third day of that very week came when Helen made the mistake after she finished with the artwork into sketching the frozen fridge-dead monster found from before, putting it into the monster book with a circled question mark beside the drawing, planning to find out more info about it when they can, and she vanished it magically with a wave of her hand, right in front of the stunned eyes of the five young teenage survivors when they saw it.

It was too late to take it back when Helen finally realized what she just did but before she could come up with some excuses to explain away the magic that she just used in front of them, worrying that these young Mundane people will get upset or react negatively upon seeing her use strange freaky powers--but then they took her completely by surprise when Jack exclaimed aloud, almost shouting. "Holy Sh#@--I mean, crap! You have powers just like us too!?"

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