CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 1

Start from the beginning

The African teenage girl, who is the sister of the African male, slapped her brother upside the back of his head for the sudden rude comment he just uttered out at Helen. She bowed shamefully while using her free hand to push her brother's head to do the same as she said in some kind of native African accent. "I am so sorry about my brother, Jake. He doesn't know better than to open his mouth and speak such rude things to anyone without thinking. I am Jane. You already know my idiot brother, Jake here. ("Hey!" Jake protests.) And these are my two friends, Jack and Jill (the Jewish teens), they are siblings. As for the children, the baby girl in Jill's arms is Hope Rose. The little Asian girl is Meiling, her big brother is young Lou, and the other boy is Jordan Jasper Green. Finally, the girl in the blond man's (Draco cocked a brow at her remark) hold is little Madi and the girl standing beside him is Charlotte."

Helen nodded to each of them politely still with the warm kind expression on her face, and Jack lowered his guard, even the African teen boy named Jake as he smiled friendly back at her. Bellamy instantly went to her side, gently scolding her to go back and rest as she still seemed to be tired from the exhausting journey they had gone through before. Helen would have argued and stayed behind to look after their new guests of survivors, including meeting the children, but then Luna gestured at her in a silent nod that she and the others will be dealing with them and that she should return to their children and sleep so that she can rest completely for the next day. And so Helen relented this time and she was guided back to the sleeping area with Bellamy's help.

After Helen left with Bellamy, it didn't take long for the new survivors to mingle and know the other people easily and almost fast as Octavia and Neville talked to the two pairs of siblings that are Jake and Jane, and Jack and Jill, and Luna had Murphy accompany her into coming near the children, introducing themselves and being friendly and caring for them, which the children accepted the attention easily on how friendly the other young adults are.

Clarke watched this sight, smiling a bit with relief, as they slowly get to know one another and the others are kindly helping the new ones settle into the safe place with them. When she turned her focus onto Draco, she blinked when she noticed that the little girl named Madi is still in Draco's arms, as she just clings tighter around his neck, either she was afraid of the new strangers or was just being shy, and she can't help but grin slyly at the blond man when he didn't mind the child holding on to him as he comforted her with small pats onto her back with one of his free hands.

"Well, well--I didn't think that you're good with kids, Draco," Clarke teased him lightly a little while the others are distracted or not paying attention towards them.

Draco tensed at her words before he relaxed upon noticing that the little girl also sensed his tension and he comforted her again, making her relax in his hold. He turned to glare at Clarke for good measure, making sure that the child in his arms didn't see or notice it, as he gave a silent threat at her by his glare to not tell anyone else about this.

Clarke made a 'lip-zipping' gesture with her fingers that she promised to keep silent about it but she can't help at being touched at the sight of Draco holding Madi in his arms so gentle and kind in that way, like how a father would have for his child, even though they're not biologically related by blood and everything.

Draco knew, from holding onto the little female child in his arms, still clinging tightly onto him, must have gone through such mental and psychological trauma that no young child should ever go through when it comes to the monster apocalypse. It's no wonder that she would cling to whoever is brave and strong enough to face those monstrous dangers and threats out there without hesitation or flinching, despite that she has her previous guardians among the young teenagers, who seemed fit and strong enough to fight and survive through this.

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