CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 4

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Draco and the others were surprised, except Helen and Luna, upon noticing that it's already nighttime and way past their dinner time. Luckily, Helen can whip up a quick good meal for them to eat before they go to bed and rest. However, they are not going to put the magic tent back up again since they're now inside a building, so the only stuff they'll bring out from their magic bags and set them up is just the comfortable sleeping bags and cots.

"So, who's on guard-watch for the night shift?" Helen inquired.

"I am," Draco and Neville said in unison. Then the two looked at each other with Neville in surprise and Draco in trepidation.

"Hey--is it okay that Octavia and I pair with you guys on night-watch?" Clarke asked nicely.

"Yeah, both of us are too wired for sleep," Octavia agreed with her friend, instantly offering in wanting to volunteer too.

Bellamy gave a protesting negative look at his younger sister, not wanting her to stay up late for the whole night into doing this, but Octavia decided to be rebellious and ignored her brother because she needs something to do, other than just staying behind and being a sitting duck doing nothing, despite that she contributed much good into looking out for her group back then when it was only her, her brother, and the two others until they met up with the mages' group.

"It's fine. I'm sure Draco and Neville would appreciate the added company," Helen said, nodding gratefully at Clarke and Octavia for offering and she gave a reassuring calm look at Bellamy that his sister will be fine with Draco and Neville, and then she gave a pointed look at the two boys to not argue about this. "Four pairs of eyes are better than two."

"I side with Helen on this one too," Luna agreed in a wise knowing tone, that seems to tell the others that there's some sort of dispute or tension if you leave Draco and Neville alone together, even when it's the guard-watching duty or something.

Clarke and Octavia didn't think much about it when they were relieved upon being accepted to be allowed into the guarding shift to watch out for their group.

But after the others had the quickly-cooked dinner meal Helen made for them, which is delicious as always, and the children woke up from their sleep to take it too and they easily returned to their slumber like they're not surprised or disturbed that they are at a new place and went back to whatever fun dreamland the kids are having, and after the dinner plates were cleaned up, they all settled to sleep onto their spread out sleeping bags and cots.

Except for the four people in the group who will be taking on night shift watch duty.

And when the time passes during their guarding chore at the time, both Clarke and Octavia are going to find out and discover the reason why Draco and Neville should never be alone together, even if it's for a survival duty or task.


And that became the understatement of the century.

From what Clarke Griffin and Octavia Blake had ever known, they had never seen such a dynamic duo, when they paired up with the two 'brotherly' boys, that are Draco and Neville Black, while they are on late-night guard shift to watch out for their sleeping group in that magically fortified abandoned building.

"Okay, I spy with my little eye...something covered in white, hard and round," Neville said as he suddenly thought of playing the Mundane game 'I Spy' as a way to pass the time so that they don't get bored during their night watch.

Draco sighed exasperatedly and just answered in a deadpan tone, "A snow-covered boulder--basically, a big snowy rock?"

"Oh wow! You got it correct again! Ooh--want another turn to break the tie-breaker between us?" Neville asked excitedly like he's loving this kind of game.

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