CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 2

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"Okay, now that's cool! I mean--great!" Murphy stumbled on his wording when he remembered that Luna and her friends were still getting used to American slang, but Luna didn't mind as she giggled once more, making him blush and liking how she laughs.

Luna was about to take a chance on asking Murphy about what kind of life he went through, but then there were sudden noises and faint yelling coming from slightly far away by their place of position, and Luna and Murphy turned upon hearing them as Luna's eyes widened in recognition. "That was Neville (gasp!) Oh no! Something must have happened!" she cried.

"Oh crap! Bellamy!" Murphy cursed upon remembering that his friend is with Luna's friend.

They ran swiftly to where they heard the noisy sounds from and when they got there, Murphy had his shotgun up at the ready to shoot but when Luna took one look at the 'situation', she swiftly grabbed Murphy's arm and pushed him to lower the weapon down, seeing that it's actually alright.

And by alright--it means that Neville had comically overreacted upon opening one of the worn-down broken fridges to check if there are non-expired food or clean bottled water inside, in the room he and Bellamy are now checking in, and when Neville opened it and then he rummaged one of his hands around inside the fridge to pull out whatever he could find in there blindly since Bellamy has the flashlight with him.

And that's when Neville suddenly cried out yelling and vigorously waved and shook the hand that he had inside the fridge when he felt something monstrous had grabbed him and was now munching on his hand or something.

In reality, the supposed monster stuck on Neville's vigorous waving and shaking hand is actually dead and frozen, and Luna tried to get his attention to tell him just that but he was too engrossed a little in his panic and fear upon getting it off him.

"AAH! IT GOT ME! IT'S EATING MY HAND! GET IT OFF ME!" Neville screamed as he ran around and shook his hand vigorously to get the monster off of him, hitting against anything that made those noises that Luna and Murphy heard before, making a big yet comical messy sight.

"Neville...Neville-Neville--NEVILLE! The monster is dead! Frozen dead, to be precise!" Luna cried yelling at him loudly until he finally heard her.

When he did, Neville blinked as he abruptly stopped in his tracks, looked more closely at the monster stuck on his hand and he blushed with embarrassment that what Luna had told him was correct. The monster is truly dead upon being frozen alive indeed. He blushed even redder and more brightly on the face when Bellamy and Murphy just snickered or laughed with amusement, standing by and had watched this comical scene going on before them.

"Um...any chance I ask you guys to please not tell Draco about this?" Neville asked gingerly at the other two boys while Luna came forward to help him remove the dead monster that is sticking to his hand like glue.

Bellamy snorted when he tried to control himself from laughing too hard. He gasped between laughs, "Sorry, Neville...but I don't think he's going to let this go since you already made a loud racket when you stuck your hand into the fridge and then thought that frozen monster-icicle thing had gotten you--and then you went running around like a wild maniac, making this huge mess in the room."

Neville blushed even more and he sighed, slumping his head down in defeat, knowing that this is inevitable and that Draco would never live this down ever from his own mind and head, even as long as he lived in their magical life-span.

Luna managed to remove the frozen creature from Neville's hand and he didn't voice out a cry or flinch when it was slightly harshly peeled off from the palm of his hand and fingers, as she carefully inspected and studied the dead monster with interest and curiosity. "Fascinating...I don't think I have ever seen this type of monster before--or any of us, I think!"

Upon hearing her say that, the other three guys came closer to her side and also looked closely at the frozen monster, Luna is carefully handling and holding it in her hands.

"Oh wow, you're right, Luna. I have never seen that kind of creature either," Neville commented.

Bellamy narrowed his eyes with a considering look on his face like he's trying to figure out what type or kind of monster it would be, as it lay there in Luna's hands, posed like some sort of intricate terrifying handmade statue or figurine. He said, sounding deductive, "With its sharp teeth on that mouth and the way how spread out those black tentacles are--I'd say that the thing is one of those dangerous kinds."

Murphy snorted, "Really? And here I thought that its many beady little eyes are what gave that away."

True enough, the black dark-kind of monster had many eyes, about eight or maybe ten of them from what they could be able to see through the ice all over it, but they were focused on the frozen position of its slightly open jaws that showed off its razor-sharp teeth and the scary tentacles that reached out, trying to grab at its prey but it got frozen and died in that state when it somehow gotten shoved and locked into the fridge or something.

"Hm...even though it is an unknown monster at this point, I'm sure Helen will like to draw this into the book so that we'll be able to find out more info about it later on in the future," Luna mused as she magically and gently shrink it to small hand-size and was about to place it into her magic bag when Neville suddenly stopped her by instantly grabbing the wrist that's holding it.

"Wait--you're not bringing that thing back to the others, are you?!" Neville said anxiously worried. "What if the monster's not truly dead and was just frozen alive like that!?"

"Oh, don't worry about it, Neville. It's really dead. See? You can just tell by the eyes too," Luna quickly reassured them when Bellamy and Murphy were starting to agree and side with Neville's concerning thought on that.

Neville blinked and went to see if what Luna said is correct but when he leaned closer, Luna decided to play a little prank on her 'brother' when she gave a mock roar and wriggled the frozen monster, acting as if its alive and was going to pounce right at his face. Neville instantly reacted comically upon jumping back and flinching with a startled yell, and it was a split-second later that he figured out it was a joke when both Bellamy and Murphy burst out laughing at the funny sight of their friend again.

"Luna!" he cried indignantly at his 'sister' and she just gave him an innocent look.

"What? I just could not resist," Luna said calmly, almost making the other two Mundane boys burst into hysterics again.

Neville pouted at her like he couldn't believe Luna would do such a thing to him as he's known almost all their lives back then in the past that she doesn't have a humorous playful side until she decided to show it right there and then. But unknown to Neville, Luna always had a funny part of her composed sage-like personality in her for a long time and she hid it to herself so that others wouldn't know until she deems it time to reveal it. Only Helen has already known about it long ago before, besides finding out of her seer-like wisdom or all-knowing vision and everything else, and Draco and Neville hadn't known about it yet until Luna just revealed her playful demeanor to Neville finally right there and then.

It's like both Bellamy and Murphy could tell that Luna had to brighten up the atmosphere to lighten the gloomy dark kind of mood that's surrounding them, so that's the reason why Luna played that little prank at Neville to ease them from their tension and anxiety. It didn't take long for them to finish what they were doing upon checking the whole entire perimeter of the magically shielded building they're staying and living in for just a week there. And so far, they didn't have anything to worry or be anxious about on unwanted 'monster' guests or anything hostile hiding around, as the only things they've found are a few limited supplies of leftover canned food and medical liquid stuff on the sealed jars that Luna and Neville had found during their searching and checking.

After they're done, they went back to the others with the small number of goods they got with them and then move on to another step of the survival plan they need to do while temporarily staying in the magic-fortified abandoned building. 



**{Monsterum Revelom}--roughly translates to {Reveal Monster} as a magic spell. 


MONSTERS, MAGIC, AND LOVE (Harry Potter x The 100 TV - crossover Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن