Settling In

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I am so excited about my second chapter! I hope that you like it just as much as the first one! Please give me feedback, and if you have any advice it would be much appreciated! And by the way, a lot of women back in the 40s wore blouses with padded shoulders, so if you get confused with what I am about to write. 

Pepsodent was the beginning of toothpaste, in case some of ya'll got confused.


Melissa's pov

I looked around my new apartment and set out to find my bedroom. It was decent-sized, about the same size as the one I had at home. I was surprised to see that it was already completely furnished, just like the rest of the house. It did need a good dusting though.

I lifted my suitcases onto the bed and took out hangers, along with all of my dresses, blouses, and skirts. I hung them up one by one, then moving on to my shoes, placing them neatly at the bottom of my large wardrobe.

I opened up my second suitcase, which held my undergarments, pajamas, and my silk robe, I neatly folded all of them and put them in my little dresser drawer. Once I had everything put up, I decided to change clothes, and purchase some groceries, and a few other supplies.

I slowly went through my clothes and was trying to decide what to wear. What to wear, what to wear? Should I wear my white blouse with short puff sleeves with my red and white skirt? Or should I wear my mustard yellow floral fit & flare dress? Yes, the dress will do. And to show my hips more, I'll put an under -skirt underneath. And of course with a pair of black pantyhose's. And a pair of  blood red heels. 


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I quickly put the under-skirt, then dress on and did the buttons. I slipped on the pantyhose, and then slipped on my heels. I twirled in front of my standing mirror to look at the end result. I nodded my head in approval. I grabbed my make up, hair brush, toothbrush, my Pepsodent tooth powder. 


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