Truth and Lies

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I saw her power let loose and I knew I had to stop it

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I saw her power let loose and I knew I had to stop it.
"Hope. Sweetie. It's okay. Look at me." Hope looked at me then I saw the moment she broke. She ran out to the back with tears in her eyes. I turned to the Mikaelsons.
"You've caused enough damage for one day I think. So just leave." I turned and went to my daughter.

I found Hope sitting on the swing we had crying.

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I went over and sat next to my daughter

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I went over and sat next to my daughter. Hope leaned into me and sobbed.
"I could have been loved. I could have gone to school and had a normal childhood." I sighed and spoke.
"I'm so sorry Hope. If I had known about you........"
"No. It's okay mom. I don't blame you." I smiled and brushed some hair behind her ear.

Later that day I was reading a book when I heard a noise. I sped out to find Elijah standing there.
"What are you doing here?" He turned to me and spoke.
"I was hoping we could talk."
"Oh now you want to talk. After all these years?"
"Dani." I froze then spoke.
"Don't. You don't get to do that." Elijah walked up but stopped when he noticed my tension.
"Dani. Please. I had no clue that Hope was yours nor did I know that Niklaus knew this." I looked away with tears in my eyes. Lijah came up and put a gentle hand on my cheek.
"I should have never left you and our children. I wanted to protect them so I thought leaving was the best option. I have always regretted leaving you and I should have come back." I let the tears fall then I spoke.
"Why didn't you? I would have understood. I waited for you. Your kids waited for you to be here with us. Gabi looked out the window every day for you. You could have come back. I would have let you back in Elijah." He sighed and brushed my cheek with his fingers.
"I did come back once. I saw you with Dean and I thought you had moved on."
"I hadn't. Dean and I didn't get together for a long time. We were just friends for a while." Just then I heard Farrah yell.
"Why are you here?!" We both looked to see our daughter standing there furious.
"No! What is he doing here mom?! He's a monster who left us!!" She turned to her father furious.
"You left my mom and us! I hate you so much!! You broke your word! You said you would be back for us but you never came back!!! Why?!" Farrah broke down sobbing and I moved to go to her but Elijah stopped me. He went over to our daughter and bent down.
"Farrah I never meant to stay there but more and more problems occurred. I knew if you and your mother and your siblings came you would be in harms way. I did not want that life for you all." Farrah looked up and flew into his arms. She hit his chest and sobbed.
"You are my dad! I wanted you back for the longest time!! How could you do that to us?!" She stopped talking and just cried. I put my hand over my mouth and let the tears fall. I saw Chris and Gabi there with Alexa. I saw Farrah had cried herself to sleep so I went over and spoke to Elijah.
"Let's put her inside." Elijah nodded and picked our daughter up.

After he settled her on the couch I went to the kitchen to fix some tea. I knew Elijah was watching me closely. I spoke while not looking up.
"Would you like some tea?"
"Of course." I nodded and got it ready. I handed Elijah his tea and we drank in silence before he spoke.
"I think I should leave. Perhaps it was a mistake coming here." He turned but I spoke up.
"Elijah you walk out that door and I will never forgive you. I won't give you a second chance." He turned and saw my expression.
"You let me down. Do not ever let those children down. They need you Elijah. Dean is a wonderful father but he's not a vampire. He can't teach them the things you can. They need their father."
"What about you astin? What do you need?" My eyes teared up at that old nickname.
"I am married Elijah. I have a wonderful mate." He stepped up.
"Yet you haven't rejected the bond once. You haven't said you never want to see us again. You haven't done anything to imply that you want to get rid of the connection we share."
"I said......."
"You said we shouldn't expect for you to fall in love with us again. Yet you never said you reject us as your mates." I put my head down then sped and pinned him to the wall.
"Don't." Elijah put his hands on my hands and switched our positions.
"Do you really not want this?" I froze then spoke in a whisper.
"I don't know." Elijah let me go and backed up.
"I will be back if you wish it. But I will not push anything." Dean spoke up.
"She does." I turned to my husband. He came up and spoke.
"I know you love me Eva but I also know that you never stopped loving him. It's okay to have more than one mate. I love you Eva. I always have since the day we met and I always will. But you need this, so you go and get whatever you need and come back. Because original or not I will find a way to kill you if hurt her again." Elijah nodded then kissed my cheek before he sped away. Dean came over and spoke.
"I'm gonna take the kids on a trip for a little bit. Sam will be with me so don't worry. You need this Eva. You need to reconnect with him." I sighed and smiled, putting my hand on his cheek.
"Thank you Dean." He nodded and kissed me.

Okay. Done. Hope you enjoyed. Adios amigos. See you soon.

Our Ex is Married with Children Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora