CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 6

Start from the beginning

Bellamy nodded in thanks and then he tensed at the ready and comforted Helen with his other free hand to reassure her when the monster's head is now moving very closely towards them, the big feelers touching and moving around to look for their prey with its large blind eyes, staring aimlessly at the couple and Bellamy could almost see clearly of his and Helen's reflections on them.

Bellamy waited for the right moment as it came closer and closer. And it's like everything went still and silent.

Except for the sound of a slow heartbeat that only Bellamy can hear.


One inch closer.


Another inch more.



When the monster's head was almost touching nearly towards the side of the frightened shivering Helen and the readily tense Bellamy, the young black-haired man struck true upon swinging the sword and striking at the inner small feelers he was waiting for to catch sight of, and once he had sliced both ends of the small feelers off, the Praying Mantis monster screeched loudly and abruptly shot its head high up in the skies, its two pincers clawing at its head as it cried out in sudden pain and agony upon being injured.

"GO! RUN!" Bellamy shouted once the three saw that the monster is now distracted by the pain inflicted from him and with his yells, they instantly reacted into running to safety, that is the warehouse building which seemed too far away from them but in reality, they're almost near it since adrenaline and fear is pumping up their entire beings.

Bellamy would have helped Helen by carrying her onto his back, but with her visibly and slightly big pregnant belly, that would have been hard to do so upon carrying her piggy-back style and Helen knew it as well as she gave a meaningful push as well as a determined look on her face that she can still run as fast as she can, even in her delicate condition.

Draco looked back to see if the monster is going to chase after them, but he saw, much to his relief and then added horror, is that the bug monster is still distracted on being in pain from its cut feelers being sliced off and two more gigantic white Praying Mantis monsters have come out of hiding and pounced on their injured one, clawing and tearing it apart as well as eating their own fellow member, like they view their injured ones as weak and added food source too.

The injured Praying Mantis monster tried to fight back but it was no match for the two stronger ones as they tore him apart with their pair of pincers and it succumbed to its dying fate when the other Mantis monsters clawed and ate him to pieces until there's nothing left.

Draco, Helen, and Bellamy made it on time on getting through the open doorway that Clarke and Neville held it open for them and went inside just as the two slammed the door closed and bolted it shut with a door bar that's set up on it to lock it tight from the inside.

But Draco knew that they're not safe inside this abandoned building just yet, and he ordered vehemently to Neville, Luna, and even Clarke and Murphy, upon giving them a sample drawing in the small paper of some kind of symbol they need to draw on the walls in large sizes they can manage, on all the sides of the building they're in.

Neville and Luna nodded as they grabbed their cans of spray paint and went off to do just that upon drawing the symbol Draco indicated and Clarke and Murphy were both confused and puzzled on the reason why Draco insisted on them to draw the exact symbol he gave a sample on the paper he showed them off, but the blond wizard didn't have time to explain as he told them in meaningful snaps that they take a spray-paint can and do as he says without question, and that he'll explain the reason later once they're done with their tasks.

Clarke and Murphy immediately did as Draco ordered them to do, and the blond man instantly went to work on getting busy, making some kind of magic circle on the floor in the center of the room he's standing on, and he worked on it fast on his drawing of it with white chalk that he made sure he was prepared to have some in his coat pockets.

Bellamy helped Helen to sit down next to his sister Octavia besides the still-drugged sleeping children that are lying on comfortable sleeping bags and cots that she pulled them out earlier from one of the magic bags, which Helen nodded at Octavia gratefully for doing so and she gingerly sat down next to the sleeping Teddy with a soft tired sigh and reassured herself that the children were fine when one of her hands hovered over them to pat and touch them in comfort.

After Draco is done with the magic circle and the four people had come back upon finishing their tasks into spray-painting all the wall sides of the building from outer and inner corners of the very area they're inside of, the blond wizard demanded his sword back from Bellamy and he threw it back at him which he easily caught and the Mundane normal people watched stunned shocked, except the knowing magical ones, when Draco just cut his palm open with the blade of his sword and have his hand bleeding continuously like water falling from a jug and he poured it onto the magic circle on the center, spacing, and then the lining, making the white colors suddenly glow in an eerie bright red shine.

It was when the looming shadows of the other two big Praying Mantis monsters were approaching towards the buildings and nearly covering the windows outside of the warehouse, that Draco looked his head up with a determined expression, and then he gave a soft firm growl. 

"You...will not PASS!"

Once he said that out loud, he swiftly sheathed the sword back to his cane and then he twirled it around like it's a baton and then struck its end down like it's a wizard's magic staff, right into the middle of the magic circle he drew and poured his blood on, instantly activating the magic upon it and have it spread all around the building from both inside and out of it.

The glowing bright red lines spread out like they're connecting to the other painted symbols that Neville, Luna, Clarke, and Murphy had drawn all around the building and once they connected, a big magical wave spread widely to everything in the building until the entire place and area are engulfed in it.

And finally, when it faded away, it's like the soft thumping or bumping noises from outside, caused by the two giant bug monsters have become faint because the warehouse building is now magically shielded and fortified, thanks to Draco's swift magic circle he created to keep them safe in there.

Once the soft-like noises faded away and Bellamy moved bravely to take a quick peek upon looking outside through the windows, and then he sounded to the others after a silent tense moment that the monsters are gone, and they all slumped with relief, except the still Draco standing on the now-fading glowing magical circle, upon knowing that it's now safe and secure for them inside the abandoned building.

Even though they've managed to escape and get away from the forests upon braving the monstrous woods before--it doesn't mean that they're completely safe in that magically secured fortified building...for now.

Onto the next thrilling adventure...that awaits for this group of survivors in the next chapter.




Another chapter is done and mission accomplished, I hope you like it!

I hope you like this very LONG chapter and enjoyed it!

There will be more for this story and others very soon, I promise!

Also...It's my Birthday today, this month of May on this very day the 11th!

I thought I'd let you Readers enjoy this new chapter as a big send-out gift to celebrate my birthday when I turn 31 this new year 2021!

Enjoy Readers!



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