CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 3

Start from the beginning

Luna would have pointed out that such words to be said are considered as optimism or another explanation for that but then Helen input her own opinion, agreeing with them. "I second that, Draco. I admit that it has not happened to me yet at this time, but I would rather not take any chances or risks when it does. I don't suppose you made a list of those 'forbidden' words that should not be said?"

Draco nodded in affirmative to Helen's inquiries, silently telling her that he did make a list of it and Luna sighed with exasperation at her friends' paranoia over this.

"Oh, for goodness sake! Please do not say that all of you believe in such nonsense things! It has to be a coincidence--or rather serendipity of sorts, once these optimistic words or statements have been said or as you say it," Luna protested.

Murphy would have also agreed with his crush, but he kept silent about it because he, Bellamy, and his other friends also went through the same thing during their survival through the monster apocalypse and in some of those rare few times back then, upon uttering those kinds of 'forbidden' words have suddenly got trouble, that is the monsters, onto them exactly like how moths instantly flock towards the light or something similar such as that.

Draco snorted and looked at Luna like she's the only one who's gone insane instead of the other three including himself, "You're one to talk! What about you always prattling on and about of your so-called 'existing' mythical creatures, such as the things that you call the Wrackers or the Snorchacks?"

Luna glared at Draco almost very angrily, despite her usual calm and composed sage-like disposition, and retorted back at him with a slightly harsh snap. "It's Wrackspurts and Crumple-Horned Snorkacks. And I'll thank you very much if you learn to correct your term of words as well as your manners, mister."

Helen quickly intervened when Draco was about to puff and huff up like he's itching for an intense word fight against Luna and she swiftly said with raised hands to stop both of them as well as getting in the middle between them for good measure. "Alright! I think it's time we all settle down and finish with our tasks upon packing up and hurriedly leaving this place, okay? Despite that it's bright and sunny outside, let's not linger here longer than we should be."

Her reasonable words and statement had worked into calming both Draco and Luna down and Neville was also relieved that Helen is good with her reasoning as well as breaking down arguments into peace.

But then Luna did--or rather say something unexpected that the other three Magicals tried to stop her but it was already too late.

"You're right. I'm sure nothing--" Luna said brightly.

"NO!" Helen, Draco, and Neville cried out almost loudly in unison.

"--wrong is going to happen and there will be nothing to worry about," Luna calmly finished the sentence that she just said, ignoring how her friends are now staring at her in stunned horror.

"Ohh Merlin...please tell me she did not say what I think she just said!" Neville cried out with wide eyes.

Draco closed his eyes in frustration as he lowly snapped. "Indeed, she did, my friend."

"Luna...why did you have to go and say it?!" Helen cried at her incredulously like she couldn't believe she just did what she did, even after their short discussion about it.

Luna just tilts her head to the side slightly like she isn't phased at all that she did something wrong. "I don't see why it matters anyway. Look--nothing has happened, didn't you notice?"

Indeed, true to Luna's words, after she had uttered the phrase of what she just said out loud, nothing has happened to them yet or anything going on in the area from outside when they heard nothing but the normal animals merrily greeting the day with birds singing and squirrels chattering soundly from the trees of the forests. Luna just smirked triumphantly at them and was about to skip herself merrily out of the magical tent for the others to follow behind her, and she said brightly but she didn't notice or was aware of a sudden looming shadow hovering over the entrance/exit of the tent. "See?! Like I said--all of you were being overly paranoid and over-reacting--EEK!!!"

A very large and long slimy rope, that looked almost like a tentacle or a monster ant-eater's tongue came swooping in on the tent's hole and tangled and wrapped itself around the startled Luna right at her waist like it's lassoing her, and Luna was completely caught by surprise but she didn't hesitate to struggle and fight and break herself free.

"LUNA!" the others yelled or cried out in surprise and alarm.

"See!? WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!" Draco snapped angrily, swiftly brandishing out the sword from his cane before Murphy was about to snap out of it and bring out his shotgun weapon, as well as Clarke taking out her magic blade, but then Draco beat them to it upon saving Luna when he used the cane sheath to press down the long tentacle from pulling Luna out and after that, he swiftly sliced and cut it into two, causing the monster outside to cry out in pain.

Luna was dropped non-gently once Draco saved her, and the cut-bleeding tentacle flailed around inside the tent, wriggling in agony same time with the pained monster cries before it went out. Upon hearing the cries, Luna's face furrowed worriedly like she somehow sensed that the monster outside might be something else and despite the sudden protests coming from Draco and the others, she ignored them and went out to check on it, much to their shocked disbelief and Draco's annoyed frustration.

"Luna!" Helen and Murphy cried out, trying to stop her from leaving but she did anyway.

"Bloody hell and damn it all! Helen, Clarke--you two stay with the children. The others--come with me, hurry!" Draco ordered and they instantly obeyed him as they grabbed their weapons variously on their person, ready to fight, and quickly chased after Luna before they might find her get hurt or something worse from the monster outside.

Helen told Bellamy to be careful when he was the last one about to leave and he nodded at her before he followed after the others, his magic rifle gun at the ready to aim and fire at whatever monster that is outside lurking by their tent.

However, Bellamy was very much surprised as well as the others, except the relieved Neville and still-annoyed Draco, upon discovering that the monster that just came unexpectedly by their temporary safe place--turned out to be a good friendly kind of monster that Helen mentioned before that there are some of those in existence. 


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