CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 1

Start from the beginning

Upon telling the four Mundane people about this with their false story but mostly truthful origins when they told them the truth about Magic and what it can do in amazing good ways but also horrifying bad ones, they were all stunned shocked, and in awe over this but also pitied them for losing their families, loved ones, and even their own friends and people they have known or seen, as the magical race was also 'decimated' from the Monster Apocalypse.

Bellamy bravely took another mouthful sip from his hot 'enchanted' coffee and he nearly shivered when the magic mixed inside it instantly coursed inside his body and felt the alertness surging in his veins, erasing the fatigue and exhaustion he had felt since last night. Then he felt a comforting warmth spreading inside him, almost like he's being covered by a really soft cozy blanket both inside and out.

Helen smiled upon seeing the contented expression on Bellamy's face when he felt the energizing magic kicking inside him from her special drink. And just when she was about to tell Bellamy something or maybe Bellamy was going to talk to her over another change of topic, both turned to look at Draco upon sensing him stirring and their thoughts became right when he woke up with a groan after the spell wore off upon knocking him out last night.

Draco gingerly rubbed the back of his head like he's suffering some sort of concussion or headache he somehow got from something. But then it didn't take long for him to instantly remember what happened before he got hexed unconscious and swiftly sat up from where he was lying down straight on the couch, and it turned out to be a bad idea because his headache went a little worse upon the abrupt whiplash he's feeling from his sudden movements.

"Took you long enough to wake up there, mate," Helen said dryly in her fluent British accent as she spoke to Draco.

Draco turned to her and Bellamy is a little surprised that she spoke in that British-like voice when she talks and finds it cute to hear her speak in her natural accent after figuring it out instantly that she was still learning on speaking like a true American upon remembering that her family was originally from the UK before the four of them moved to America back then before.

"Right, Helen--we need to get out there and deal with those branches that fell outside before--!" Draco suddenly cried out anxiously, trying to sit up despite the dizziness and the still headache he's feeling but Helen stopped him, cutting Draco off like a sharp blade.

"We're not going anywhere until you explain your sudden odd behavior and actions from last night, Draco Malfoy-Black!" Helen told him in a firm yet harsh tone that made Draco instantly tense and freeze under her stern voice.

Draco sighed, knowing that she must be upset from last night about what he did and acted, scaring her and the others, and forcing Neville to suddenly curse him so he told her the truth while still looking worried and panicked over something he's really concerned about. "Helen...the branches that got struck by lightning and then crash down--they fell right into the magical barrier!"

With that said, Helen's eyes widened in understanding and horror upon the implication of Draco's statement and she reacted without thinking, quickly getting off her seat, putting her hot coffee mug aside, and started to march towards the tent's hole to exit the magical tent, just as both Draco and Bellamy protested in unison by her sudden actions and tried to chase after her from behind to stop her from going out.

"What the--!? Helen, stop! Bloody hell, don't forget to put your coat on! It's still bloody freezing out there!" Draco squawked indignantly.

Bellamy cried out and tried to grab for her to stop, "Helen, wait! Don't go out there! It's cold! Think of your babies!"

Helen ignored Bellamy and dodged his hands reaching out to stop her but she heeded Draco's advice and magically summoned her hot and warmly enchanted cloak, puts it on right before she stepped outside at a fast brisk pace to get to the edge of the magical barrier that protects them from the monsters lurking out there in the forests they're in the middle of, as well as keep them safe from the intense still-snowing cold weather elements of the winter season.

Draco also magically summoned his coat and Bellamy's too before they followed after her and they managed to catch up when Helen is now looking forlornly down and worriedly upset even more when she saw that Draco's words were correct. The lightning-struck branches that fell from last night from the raging snowstorm, have fallen right across and into the circling lining edge of the magical barrier, disrupting its shielding energy and making the enchanted secure covering break down from Mother Nature's unexpected interference of some kind.

Bellamy watched with concern when Helen reached out her hand like she's testing the barrier and he saw that the magic shield faintly shimmers in a weakening dimming glow like it's showing that the protective magic barrier is truly going to break down to pieces if they don't deal with the fallen branches soon.

Draco and Bellamy instantly stopped Helen from bending over upon wanting to help pick up and throw away the tree branches, but they are too heavy and big for a pregnant woman like her to do such a job and it's obvious that it should be done by strong men such as the two of them already there. Unfortunately, when the two men went to work on removing the branches and Helen watched out for them, taking look-out, they underestimated the thick heaviness of the branches as Bellamy and Draco grunted, groaned, and strained with all their strength and might and a little bit of energized magic cast by Draco to help with the heavy-lifting, but the branching they're attempting to lift and tried to pick up was much heavier than they thought it would be and the two men only managed to carry it up about a few inches before they're forced to drop it down back to the earth.


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