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"Listen Claire I'm not gonna be gone long." I said with a sad smile.

Pete had helped me pack the things I would need with me while I was living with him and his family. And it was now time to say goodbye to Claire.

Being completely honest she was the one making it super fucking dramatic. Pete's house was only 20 minutes away from this one and just because I was going to be sleeping there didn't mean I wasn't gonna come here and hangout almost every night.

"I know... I just worry." She sniffled her eyes red from trying not to cry.

"Don't worry she'll be fine." Pete chimed in where he was standing near the front door.

He walked over to my side slung his arm over my shoulder. He wore a wide smile as he looked down at me.

"She better be or I swear I'll cut your dick off." Claire said a little bit to seriously

"Dude I'll be fine and you know you can always come over to Pete's house to." I smiled

"Yeah." She says before pulling me into a long lasting hug.

"I'll be back soon I promise." I whispered into her ear.

"Please be okay." She whispered back

Releasing from the hug I stepped over towards Liv to give them a goodbye hug as well.

"Have fun!" They winked

I laughed nudging their shoulder slightly.

"Tell Megan and Colson I'll see them soon?" I said to Claire as I walked with Pete to the front door.

"Of course now leave before I start sobbing."

"Okay... I'll see you probably tomorrow." I laughed trying to show Claire just how dramatic she was being.

"Shut up!" She yelled laughing

Pete and I walked out of the house and he closed the front door behind him, then met me where I was standing by his all to familiar car.

"You ready?" He asked me

"Yeah." I said before stepping into the car, taking my seat in the passenger side.

"You okay?" He asked, noticing my lingering gaze on the house in front of me.

"Yeah I just wished I could've said goodbye to Megan." I sighed

Unfortunately Megan had mid-term exams the same day I was leaving to move in with Pete. This meant I had to say my "goodbyes" earlier then I would have liked.

"I know but like you said you'll see her and Claire literally tomorrow." He chuckled

I laughed softly with him, embarrassed at myself for making this dramatic like Claire was doing.

"Alright let's fucking go!" I said excitedly

Pete smiled widely at me before pulling out of the driveway. It was a bitter sweet moment for me knowing that I wouldn't be living in that house for a little bit. I wouldn't be sleeping in the comfort of my own bed. I would miss being there and waking up to hear my best friend attempting to make breakfast.

But now I had a new journey ahead of me, and someone else that I would wake up to, making me breakfast.

I smiled at the thought as I stared out the window watching the outside surrounding fly past us.


"Welcome home."

Pete smiled as he parked the car in the driveway of his house.

love, or the lack thereof (p. davidson)Where stories live. Discover now