Chapter 20

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I woke up in my underwear and bra, Karl was by my side in his basketball shorts. I turned on my side and rested my arm on his stomach, and my leg rested on his. All a sudden my lower half felt sore.

It all came back to me as I cuddled into his side more, smiling to myself. I didn't regret a thing, I hope he didn't either.

"Good morning baby girl" his raspy morning voice spoke out

"Good morning handsome" I spoke up as he pulled me into his chest and cuddled me.

We sat there in silence, I rubbed circles on his chest with my index finger. I looked up at him and pecked his lips before getting up and finding my shorts. I found them on the floor, put them on and put Karl's shirt on.

"you look good in my clothes" He spoke still covered up in the bed. I bent down and kissed him again before walking down to the kitchen. I see Nick sat down on the couch on his phone.

"Good morning" I spoke and walked into the kitchen getting all the ingredients for pancakes. I mixed it all together. My phone started ringing as I seen it was Jimmy.

"hey whats up" I spoke and placed him on speaker.

"you and the boys able to get here in a hour" He spoke up as I seen Nick walking in

"Let me go check with Karl" I spoke and carried the phone up with me to the room

"Karl, its Jimmy" I spoke as he sat up and pushed his hair out of his face before taking the phone out of my hand and speaking.

I walked out of the room and went back to making the pancakes, I got the last pancake in the frying pan and Karl came down fully dressed.

"I'll take this over, go get dressed baby" He spoke and came up behind me, kissing my neck before I turned around and walked upstairs. I opened up my suitcase and grabbed a pair of light jeans and a black crop top before going to the bathroom to shower quickly.

I wrapped my hair in a towel and got dressed, I done mascara and filled my eyebrows in before heading downstairs to eat before getting my hair done. Karl and Nick sat at the table laughing with each other. I cheeped back upstairs to do my hair. Karl and Nick hasn't spent much time together since I came into the picture. They looked so happy, I didn't want to ruin their moment.

I straightened my hair and pinned half of it back with a clip, the door opened up slightly and Karl came in.

"you ready?" he asked as I looked at him through the mirror, I smiled and nodded before standing up from his computer chair.

I walk out with him and seen a plate of pancakes

"You need to eat first" Karl spoke and kissed my cheek before walking into the living room joining Nick. I sat down and ate as many as I could before throwing the rest away. I went up stairs and brushed my teeth before heading down and telling the boys I'm ready.

We all get in the car and drive to the warehouse.

*skip the drive and getting there*

I sat down at Karl's computer and logged into my minecraft account. Karl stood behind me and played with my hair while I continued to get onto Jimmy's server for the video. Nick was at another computer doing the same.

"Have fun baby" Karl spoke as he kissed my lips and walked away.

"Hey, I love you" I spoke looking at him and smiling

"I love you too" He spoke and left the room to go out with the other boys

After what happened last night, Karl said that he loved me. At first I was scared he just said it in the spur of the moment, but he said it was true and that I didn't have to worry.

Jimmy walked in and spoke with me and Nick.

"So this video will be a bunch of challenges, whoever wins gets an amount of money. I want both of you guys to participate in one of the challenges" He spoke as we both nodded before he walked out and seen the server was now available for playing.

I clicked onto it and was spawn next to a few people, I seen Chris, Chandler and Jimmy floating above everyone. Me and Nick met up on the map and started crouching in front of each other.

*After the video*

"Mad I can't believe you won 5 thousand dollars" Karl said jumping up and down as he grabbed my hands in joy.

"I feel bad for the other person" I spoke truthfully as looked around.

I asked Jimmy to get person on discord as I smiled at the rest of the boys

"Hey it's Mad" I spoke as suddenly the boy's voice started to speak.

"Hey what's up" he spoke up as he cut out slightly but I could still pick him out.

"I feel really bad for taking that money from you, would you like half of it?" I questioned him as he started excitedly talking

"You don't have to, but thank you so much" he spoke up as I smiled. I got Jimmy to send him 25 hundred and smiled at Karl before wrapping my tiny arms around him.

Karl was evidently taller than me by a couple feet, meaning when I hugged him my face ends up in his chest.

"You ready to go home" Karl spoke looking at me as I nodded tiredly before yawning.

I hugged the rest of the boys and headed home with Karl and Nick.

"I love you guys" I spoke up and looked over at Karl and then back at Nick

"I love you too" they both said in unison.

I don't say I love you enough to the people I care about. After all they could've here one minute and gone the next. You never know what tomorrow has in store for us.

We arrived home safely.

"Wanna go smoke" Nick asked me and Karl as we both nodded before heading out to the shed.

We all had a bowl cleared and we went into the house and went to sleep, exhausted from the long hours at the warehouse playing minecraft.

"Goodnight babygirl" Karl's raspy voice spoke up as I looked up and smiled at him before kissing his lips and saying goodnight back.

Karls cheat pressed against mine as we was both entangled together, my legs was wrapped around his and he held me tightly with his arms.

My eyes got heavy and finally, I fell asleep

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