Chapter 19

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In this chapter there will be drug use (underage) and maybe a smut!! If you ain't comfortable with these things, please skip this chapter and go to the next


We was all sat on the couch, just finished supper. I was cuddled up into Karl's side as Nick was sat down next to my feet.

"Wanna go try it now" Karl questioned us as me and Nick both nodded.

I ran up stairs and grabbed the supplies before running downstairs once again and headed to the kitchen. I turned on the tap as Karl watched me fill up the bong. He lead us out to his back yard where there was a little shed. He opened it up and I put the supplies on the counter.

"Go do it" I told Karl as he looked at me nervously.

"Never mind, I'll do mine first then you do yours?" I questioned him as he nodded with a smile.

I grabbed a bud of weed from the jar and made it smaller with my fingers before placing it in the grinder. I grinded the weed up until it was all loose. I then placed it into the bowl of the bong, showing Karl. I packed it down but explained to Karl to leave his loose where he's not use to it. I grabbed my lighter and held the bong and put it to my mouth before lighting it, I inhaled the smoke and blew it out the door before handing it to Karl.

Karl nervously took it from me and smiled. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"help me out?" he asked and kissed my cheek.

I laughed and turned around and kissed his before nodding and grabbing a bud from the jar and handing it to him. He took it and crushed the bud up, placing it into the grinder. I closed the grinder and placed it into his hand, when he started moving the 2 parts in opposite directions. He took the top off and turned it towards me.

"perfect baby" I nodded and got the bong, placing it on the counter in front of him, he took a finger full of the grinded weed and placed it into the bowl, waiting for it to be full. I nodded at him.

"good job baby" I spoke and turned around, he leaned down and kissed my lips. He walked from behind me and grabbed the bong in his hand.

"Yeah hes about to now" Nick said to his phone, Karl quickly put the bong down and looked at Nick worriedly.

"Blair" he said as Karl let a loud sigh out in relief. Nick placed the phone on the counter so all three of us was in sight.

"I miss you Mad" I heard Blair's voice through the phone

"I miss you too" I smiled towards her and noticed she was in the shed with her bong in her hand.

We chatted a little bit while Karl was waiting on hitting it

"okay, slowly suck in when you light the bowl, if you can't clear it just pull your mouth away and stop lighting the bowl" I told him as he nodded and placed his mouth around the mouth piece before lighting the bowl, the smoke started to rise to the top and he cleared the bowl, pulling the bowl out and inhaling the smoke. Quickly he started coughing.

Me, Nick and Blair laughed at him as he put the bong down and trying to stop coughing. I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"you did good baby" I said as he kissed my forehead.

"she greened out first time she hit it" Blair yelled though the phone getting her bowl ready

"greened out?" Karl questioned as Blair explained it to him

"you got really sick" Karl questioned as I laughed and nodded

"so sick, I was throwing up, I was dizzy, It was horrible" I laughed and seen Nick preparing his bowl.

"awe, they are gonna smoke together" I spoke into Karl's ear as he giggled quietly. His eyes a little bit red, but other than that he seemed normal. Blair and Nick done their bowl together, both blowing the smoke out at the same time.

"I miss you Nick" Blair spoke as she placed her bong down

"I miss you too" he spoke and handed the bong to me before taking the phone and heading outside.

"you want another one?" I asked Karl who nodded and grabbed the bong. He was more comfortable with it now, able to do it all on his own. This time he cleared it and didn't cough. Nick came in and joined us.

I hit it once more, clearing it and letting me take it.

"what do you want me to do with it?" I asked Karl who shrugged his shoulders

"you can leave it out here if you want" he smiled at me as I nodded. I left everything out in the shed, Karl locked it up as the three of us walked inside.

This point Karl's eyes was red as ever, he was laughing at everything and the weed overall hit him. He sat on his bed and laughed at me changing into my pajamas. We sat down on the couch for a hour or so before going to bed. Nick came into the room where me and Karl was too.

"good luck tonight" he said and laughed as he said his goodnight and left the room.

"Karl get dressed for bed" I said sweetly to him as Karl took off his shirt and changed into shorts.

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I had my sports bra on with tight fitting shorts.

"you look very beautiful" Karl's raspy voice spoke into my ear as it sent shivers down my spine.

I turned around and Karl's lips was met to mine, the kiss deepened immediately. Karl led me to the bed as he slowly pushed me onto the bed as he laid on top of me without hurting me.

"Are you okay with this baby?" He questioned as I nodded quickly and our lips met again. I started feeling his arms as he deepened the kiss even more. He pulled away quickly

"are you 100 percent sure Mad, I know you are intoxicated-" he spoke but I cut him off with my lips meeting his

"yes Karl, I want to do this. I feel perfectly fine now its been over an hour since I last hit it, its mainly wore off" I spoke as my hands met around his neck and I pulled his lips to mine.

We stayed in the heated make out for a while before Karl got dominant

"Take off your shorts" He told he and smirked. I do as told and was left in my grey sports bra and grey underwear to match it.

"my god" he silently said as went back to kissing me. His hand met my thigh as he rubbed circles on it. His hand slightly went down further, it hovered over my underwear. He slightly teased me as tiny whimpers came out of my mouth. I looked down and seen him smirking at me.

His fingers linked in the waistband of my underwear as I felt him pull them down my legs, I looked down and seen him looking up at me with a huge smirk on his face

"are you ready babygirl" Karl's raspy voice spoke.

"Yes" I spoke up and seen him getting ready

and the rest is history :D

Monster Energy: Karl JacobsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum