Chapter 4

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I heard a bunch of boys laughing and talking, my hands start to shake as I am very shy.

"She's here! Hey Mad" I heard George's voice call out as the call settled down and got quiet

"Hey" I replied as heart rate speed up due to the attention being put to me.

I half hour went past and the boys had welcomed me with opened arms, making my anxiety slowly calm down and suddenly I felt comfortable to joke and laugh with the boys. They taught me all I needed to know, about them and the dream smp roleplay. After teaching me my role in the roleplay we stayed on discord and chatted for a couple hours.

We ended the call as I walked downstairs grabbing an apple for supper as I wasn't feeling very hungry. We all decided to play Minecraft around our usual time, meaning I had a couple hours to ourself.

I decided to take a bath since there was a couple hours before we had to stream. I got a phone call from Karl, quickly pressing accept I heard a ruffle in the speaker and then Karl's voice.

"Hey Mad, what's you doing?" Karl asked as I laughed looking down at the bath water

"I'm currently in the bath what about you Karl?" I responded earning a laugh from Karl.

"Dream decided where I don't have a big part tonight and neither do you that I'd stick with you and help you get into the groove of the roleplay if you'd like" he responded almost running out of breathe.

"Yes sure! I'm still a little bit confused with the whole thing but I'll get into it when I see it actually happening" I responded smiling at my phone knowing Karl can't see it.

"Okay perfect want to join a couple minutes earlier than the rest to set everything up?" He asked as I responded with a yes. We said our goodbyes as the phone beeped multiple times signalling the call has ended. I soaked some more, noticing I had a pain in my back where I've been sitting on my computer chair for excessive hours a day. I quickly finished up my bath and returned to my room in my towel.

I put in my undergarments and put my back massager on, hitting the parts of my back that's sore. I lid down on my bed for a couple minutes before I heard a chime coming from my computer.

I got up and seen it was Karl calling me on discord, I quickly answered, putting on my wireless headphones and returning on my bed.

Me and Karl talked for a couple minutes before we heard more chimes coming in signalling more people has joined the chat.

"Wait now let me go get dressed" I said as I took my massager off and went to my closet picking out something to wear.

"Oh my god, what was you two up to before we joined" Dream said holding back laughs

"I got a bad back leave me alone, I had my back massager on and I can't wear a shirt with it" I replied laughing and pulling on a pair of grey sweat pants and a black sweater over my head and headphones.

I went to my computer and turned my camera on, fixing it to where I was in centre of it.

I quickly joined onto the dream smp server and seen that people was gradually joining on.

"Alright I'm going to start my live now" dream announced as Eret and Ranboo announced they was as well.

Karl's name showed up on my phone as I muted my headphones. I put him on speaker and started talking

"You can't get enough of me can you" I joked around with him as he let out a nervous laugh. He explained it would be good to be on phone call too so he can explain things without Dream and the rest hearing him which I agreed to do. I took one headphone off and listened to Karl talking.

We talked about our days and how we got into twitch.

"My best friend introduced me to twitch actually, she was the first one of my followers and taught me everything I would need to know to become successful and gain supporters" I told him as I felt my throat clench up meaning that the tears was threatening to fall.

"That's good! How come you don't play with her?" He asked

TW: SUICIDE MENTIONED, if this triggers you skip to the next bold lines!!!!!

"Um, well she struggled with depression and one day she just couldn't take it anymore I guess, she took her life on March 2nd." I replied wiping a tear from my eye, putting my head back trying to calm by breathing

"I'm so sorry Mad, I never knew" he replied with sadness in his voice. I wiped the last couple of tears and replied with a it's fine.


Me and Karl talked more, he seems like a pretty cool person to be around. Suddenly I heard dreams voice come through the headphone and heard him say he was done for the night and was signing off. One by one they left the discord call, me leaving and sighing.

I forgot Karl was on FaceTime, I got up from my chair, stretched and went to my closet to find something to wear to bed, deciding on a oversized t-shirt and my underwear.

I was about to strip off my clothes and seen Karl's face on my desk, my face turned bright red as I went to grab the phone and threw it on the bed. Quickly changing and picking the phone up again, seeing Karl still on his monitor.

"Are you still playing?" I quickly asked him as I turned off the lights and got in bed

"No im just strolling through Twitter, I didn't want to put you on pause" he said and looked at the camera. He couldn't see the blush on my cheeks which I'm grateful for.

"I'm going to head to bed now Karl, goodnight" I said as I sunk down into the foam on top of my mattress

"Goodnight Mad, FaceTime tomorrow?" He asked as he picked the phone up and I guess started walking to him room.

"Yes most def, sleep well Karl" I said as we exchanged our goodbyes and ended the FaceTime call.

I laid my phone on my night stand and rubbed my face and sighed

"That boy" I muttered as I closed my eyes to go to sleep.

Monster Energy: Karl JacobsWhere stories live. Discover now