Chapter 7

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*the week of the boys arrival*

I have been doing the normal things, streaming, eating, cleaning, and more. Just getting ready for the boys arrival. I'm very excited to meet them, seeming I have been playing with them for almost over a month now.

Karl will be coming a day before the rest of the boys, seeming he was the only one suppose to be coming. I want a night with just us.

I sat down at my computer getting ready to play among us with Karl and his friends.

"Now, were ready and the code is in discord" Karl announced over facetime, I quickly joined and seen a bunch of names in the lobby. We quickly ended the facetime call so we wouldn't ruin the fun. I ran around the lobby and looking at everyones names

Corpse, NotMrBeast, Karl, Sapnap, Dream, George, Not Chris, Chandler, and myself.

I ran around some more but soon seen the match was starting. Imposter showed up on the screen along with mine and Jimmy's character. I quickly fist pumped the air and started playing.

We both run around waiting for people to be alone, I stuck with Karl after every kill for a alibi.

I killed chandler and ran back to electrical where Karl was doing wires, I stuck around him faking a couple tasks until the body was called.

"Where was the body?" A bunch of the boys answered

"Navigation" corpse replied, holy honk his voice is so deep

"Holy shit" I muttered through the mic where the boys started questioning my phrase

"His voice is so deep what the hell" I said laughing as corpse let out a deep laugh.

We continued talking while we waited for voting time

"She was with me" Karl mentioned as I smiled knowing he thinks I'm a crew mate

"At the beginning I was in admin swiping card, I also ran to reactor and started the reactor and then me and Karl met up in electrical" I announced turning off my mic and let a huge laugh out

"Skip then? Keep an eye on Mads tho" I heard Jimmy's voice as we all skipped.

Me and Karl ran around the whole round, my trying to kill anyone I could but not seeming suspicious. I turned off the lights and ran into security killing Dream and quickly getting out of there and meeting up with Karl, the lights came back on.

Almost seeming like I never left him, I closed the door and continued running around with Karl, Jimmy and Chris met up with us in the cafeteria. Jimmy killed Chris as I yelled and killed Karl.

The victory screen came up as I unmuted my mic and started laughing.

"How dare you Mad, I trusted you" Karl yelled through the mic as I was trying to catch my breathe.

"I'm sorry I had to do it" I laughed

"I hate you" he said

"You love me" I replied finally stopped laughing

"I do" he replied as he laughed

"You ass" I yelled into the mic and started laughing

"Karl loves Mad confirmed" Dreams voice said as I blushed

"Do you love him Mad" Sapnap spoke as I put my face down as I felt my headphones left off my head

"What was the question?" Blair's voice spoke as I tried to get my headphones back as she ran in the bathroom and locked the door

"Oh yeah, she def loves Karl, she don't shut up about him" she said and walked out of the bathroom, I grab my headset and put it on hearing the boys cheering.

I quickly FaceTimed Karl and seen his face bright red, also noticing mine is just as red.

"Hey" I said as he smiled brightly

"Hey" he said as we just stay on FaceTime quietly as we continued to play among us.

We stayed together every game and told each other if we was imposter. I helped Karl out telling him where everyone was to and told him when people was alone.

Chris came up behind me killing me as I yelled and slammed my hands on the desk.

"Nooooo" Karl yelled as he reported the body

"I seen Chris kill Mad" he announced as I looked on FaceTime as he looked very focused on his computer, his jaw looked popped out like he has it locked and his jaw line all a sudden seems sharp.

"I did not" Chris said

"You killed her right in front of me" he yelled getting out of his chair jumping

"Karl calm down it's okay" I laughed as he seen me looking at him

"It's not he killed you" he announced sitting down and looked at the phone

"Karl calm down" I laughed as he looked at the phone and let a sighed out and let the tension out of his body.

After that game me and Karl decide to get off and just chill on FaceTime for the night.

"I can't wait to meet you" Karl spoke as I looked down trying to hide the blush on my face

"I can't wait to meet you either" I spoke back seeing his cheeks turn bright pink.

I walked down stairs to see my mom and Blair sat down watching a show on Netflix, I realized I haven't ate all day when Karl questioned if I ate.

I put a pot of water on and placed Karl up on the stove, he was able to see me and what I was cooking.

I grabbed the macaroni and placed some in the boiling water

"Macaroni in a pot" I heard Karl speak as we both break our laughing. Later on mom walked out saying hello to Karl and asking what I was cooking.

She took my phone and talked to Karl for a couple of minutes. My food was done as I sat at the island and ate my food before putting my dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

Mom said bye to Karl as I grabbed the phone and walked up to my room, getting ready for bed

"3 more days until I meet you" Karl said as he still sat at his computer

"I can't wait" I replied getting into bed and slowly drifting off to sleep.

Monster Energy: Karl JacobsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin