Chapter 1

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MadNad: studying under trees are so peaceful 🥰🌳176

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

MadNad: studying under trees are so peaceful 🥰🌳

User 1: I absolutely love her aesthetic
User 2: we all know she isn't studying 🤣

Madison's POV

I quickly shut my phone off and walked to the kitchen to start making supper for me and my best friend Blair. I put chicken strips in the oven for wraps, sitting at the middle island in the kitchen on my phone for them to be done.

Dreamwastaken started following you

I quickly clicked on the notification and soon to realize he was a somewhat famous streamer on twitch. After strolling through Instagram, I got up and made wraps with the strips that just came out of the oven.

The door opened and slammed as I seen Blair pulling her hat off and slamming it down on the island before sitting down.

"Are you okay?" I quickly asked turning away from the food for a minute

"Yes, I'm just hungry. Turn around and make my food quicker" she looked at me laughing. I quietly muttered curse words under my breathe and laughed with her. Quickly making her wraps and placing them in front of her. We both ate in silence.

"I might stream on twitch tonight" I muttered out looking at my best friend who is holding back laughter. I huffed at her and rolled my eyes, I explained that a twitch streamer has followed me and it gave me motivation to start streaming again.

"Go for it, I'll be your number one fan"
She said smiling at me.

Blair and me had way different looks, I go for dresses and light colours while she goes for black clothing and chains. Which being honestly I wouldn't mind trying that look for a day.

I walk to my room after putting the dirty dishes in the dish washer. In the corner of my room is my PC and streaming equipment. I go over and start picking at the stuff, starting my computer up and setting up for the stream. I sit in my chair and fixes the camera and mic so they can see me good and hear me fine. I do a little test with Blair who quickly signed into discord to see if I sound alright, which was proven good.

I looked at the time and seen it was about 7pm, deciding to hop in the shower quickly and getting a refresher for the long hours I'll be spending on streaming.

I shut the water off, quickly stepping out and walking out into my room with my hair and body in a towel. I opened the door to my closet and picked out a over sized sweater and leggings. I quickly brush my hair out and plug my phone in before sitting in front of the camera and going live.

"Hey guys! Long time no see, I'm sorry for being so inactive but I'm hoping to get into streaming again. So today I'm planning to test out my rusty skills and do a speed run on Minecraft and see how fast I can beat the game!" I spoke to the mic and looked to see a couple thousand people watching, which isn't bad for being inactive for over a year.

I started up Minecraft and created my speed run world where I wasted no time to get started.

*couple hours later*

I am so close to finishing the game, the only thing left is to beat the ender dragon which I will soon be to. People started to send money to say things to me and most of it was just saying they was big fans of me and missed me. Which I replied with a smile and 'miss you guys too'. One comment stood out to me.

'Dream just tweeted that he can beat you in a speed run'

I quickly stopped playing for a minute and grabbed my phone opening up Twitter to see my notifications blowing up.

Dreamwastaken: @MadNap I would most definitely beat you in a speed run 😎

I laughed and turned back to the computer and live where I continued playing.

"I'm gonna be honest, he definitely could because I'm rusty but I'd take that offer up dream" I replied and seen the comments spam with dream related thoughts. I spent another hour on where I finally finished the game. After I started communicating to my supporters, explaining why I went inactive on twitch for so long and that I'm sorry, but hopefully going to stream more for them. I quickly ended the live blowing a kiss at the camera and clicking end.

I grabbed my phone and realize it was about 12am, it took about 4 hours to finish the full Minecraft game. I am rusty.

I changed into my pyjamas, which was a loose tank top and matching shorts. Blair came knocking on my door and walking in with a bottle of water.

"Oh mys, you didn't forget our routine" I laughed remembering how many times she done that the year before. She sat down on the bed and we talked for a couple minutes before we said goodnight to each other.

I checked Instagram one more time and noticed I received multiple DMs while streaming. I scrolled down through them quickly replying to my supporters but one name once again stood out

@Dreamwastaken: wanna take my offer? Love to see how good you actually are! I'll go easy on ya, I know you're rusty.

I quickly replied with "ofc! I'd love to, when would you want to do it?

I seen the typing bubble come up and just seen a reply saying 'tmr? I'll get ya discord and that tmr morning if thats okay?' I sent a thumbs up and quickly say my phone on the dresser and cuddled up to my bed, closing my eyes and quickly falling into a deep sleep.

Authors note

Let me know what you think of the first chapter!! It will all make sense why dream is in the first couple chapters in the middle of the book! Vote please! It helps me big time ♥️

PS! None of these chapters are edited and proofed, therefore spelling mistakes can happen :)

Love y'all ♥️

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