10:I Don't Want Your Pity, B*tch

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"Samantha" I hear someone yell behind me

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"Samantha" I hear someone yell behind me.

I turn around to see Ace and sitting down with one of his guards near him . I don't know what happened to me but I lunged at Ace . At that moment I just want him dead and everyone else who hurt and left me to die. I wanted them dead just like my son . I had my hands around Aces neck and was stranding him. His guard pushed me off , I fell hard on the ground . I look back up to see Ace with marks on his neck and was Gasping for air.

His guard helped him up and i got up . I was ready to leave but Ace said "I'm sorry for your loss , and I know your grieving but he was my son also". I laugh a little at his little comment. "Oh really he was your son but you just said you didn't care and your wouldn't spent a single penny on him. The whole time he was alive u never once seen or looked at him ."

I try to say as calm as possible . He looked at me and said "I'm sorry Samantha but it's also your fault" "What how is it my fault" I say . "You left and didn't come back" I replied "You told me to get out of your house you gave me one hour to pack after saying I cheated on you. I'm tired of B.S. Do you see what marrying you have got me . IT HAS GOT ME NO WHERE . I LOST EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF YOU!"

"I know and I'm sorry for that Samantha but hear me out we can start another family and live happy" Ace said . " Are your serious? After all you done you think I'm just going to forget . The only thing that I want to do to you is Kill You. So mark my words I WILL KILL YOU" After I'm done saying that I walk away . As I'm walking out the hospital a nurse stops me and says "Again I'm sorry for your lost , but don't you think your being to harsh on the kids father." I reply "I dont want your pity B*tch". I walk out the hospital with my bags and yelled "F*CK YOU" .

I went to get food. I pull out the 300 I stole from Alex which was already 213 because of food and the taxi from earlier. After I was done with my food I start walk to a local motel that cost 39 dollars a day . I arrive So I pay for some nights and start planning out what I'm going to do.How will i get my revenge? I starting writing down a list of people who have left or thrown me away. I told my self I wouldn't cry . I was only going to cry for my son but the others didn't deserve anything from me .

A few Days Later

I ran out of money , I only have 20 left . Guess I'm going my to have to sleep on a bench . I walk to the park with my bags . I sit on a empty bench. I starting looking at names I had wrote down but there were only three that were in bold letters .

-Ace Hernandez


-My parents

From this day I swear I will make there life end somehow .I'm interrupted by a couple of men walking up to me .

Semi Rape Scene ( so if you don't like it or fell uncomfortable please skip the rest of this chapter.)

"How are you doing young lady?" One of the men ask . By the smell you can tell they have been drinking. I try to run but as soon as I get up I'm pushed back down and something is injected in me. I fall unconscious. When I wake up and it's day time all ready . I try to move but I'm in some brushes across from the original bench I was at. I'm sore in my private area and I get up and walk back to the bench with a limp . I see that all my things are missing .

Everything is gone . I start to lose faith in humanity. Why couldn't I just live like a normal person .I start walking to a bus stop maybe my parents will fell some sympathy after finding out I'm homeless . I hop on a bus . The bus driver seen how much bad shape was in so I got in for free.

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