3: My own Parents turned Against Me

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Baby Azezal Above⬆️)

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Baby Azezal Above⬆️)

Time of Birth

I helped my "wife" to the car so she can deliver the baby. We had gotten to the hospital and she was already ready to start pushing . I didn't really want to see so i stood in the corner while Samantha was crying and screaming.

After a while the baby was out but they didn't give the baby to Samantha. The doctor called me over and explain that my son has a heart problem had may have to stay in the hospital from time to time . I was so fucking mad . She was fucking stupid to began with now she can't even have a healthy child . I went up to her and yelled "YOU USELESS WIFE , YOU CANT EVEN DO ONE THING RIGHT." She has tears in her eyes . I didn't care so i stormed over to the exit and walked outside. My father followed me and said " don't you think you're being to hard on her son, now go back in the and spend time with your wife". I then replied " She  was never my wife." Then i got in my car and drove off .

" Then i got in my car and drove off

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Present Time

It's finally time to take my baby home but i don't have a car not a car seat . I start to panic i called ace 47 times and he hasn't answered . I called his parents also and they didn't answer . I was confused because the mother was always fond of me . I then went to my last resort and called my parents . I called 3 times and on the 4 one they answered . "YOU SLUT I CANTBELIEVE MY DAUGHTER GAVE BIRTH TO ANOTHER MANS BABY THAT ISN'T YOUR HUSBANDS" my dad yelled through the phone . I was confused i then answered " what are you talking about" My father then replied " Ace called us and told us that we had gave him a sl*t as a wife and that my daughter gave birth to any mans baby." "That not true he would even let me out the house to go see another person let alone a man .This is Aces child , they have the same features and the same eye color" I practically yelled through the phone . " Yea whatever sl*t" my father then hang up the called . I was underly heartbroken because my parents believe him over me . I start to fell tears coming out of my eyes, but i was sick of crying . I cried all the time  and i'm sick of it . I need to suck it up and be the bigger person . I look weak .

I didn't know what to do so i called one of the guards i was friends with at the mansion. His name is Alex . He answered and i was so relieved . I told him about everything and he said he was on the way with a car seat and that he would drop me off at the mansion .

Few moments later

I am now all dressed with my baby Azezal in my hands . I was blowing raselberrys on his little stomach and he was laughing . Alex then called and asked what room number we are in . I say " room 309" . A few minutes and he is here with a brand new car seat . I was so happy because he was such a life saver .

I run up and hug the mess out of him . He hugged back and said anything for  a friend . I then showed Alex baby Azezal. He was cooing him and playing with him but after a while he started to get cranky because he was hungry . I then started to breastfeed him . After 30 mins he burped then fell asleep . I put him in his car seat and we walked out to the car.

We then arrive at the mansion . I grab Azezal in his car seat . I step out the car and as soon as i step the house , I feel a hard slap on my cheek .

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