Chapter 25: War! Pt. 4

Start from the beginning

Izuku turned to skeptic and asked if he had visual on the battle where Shigaraki was at since Izuku knew he wouldn't go down without a fight though it seems the heroes had been doing a lot of work but what Izuku didn't think of was that all of his other classmates that weren't at the Mountain Villa were now helping fight Shigaraki! "There are students I believe that are helping Endeavor and the others fight Shigaraki... the grand commander is having some trouble due to Eraserhead who is quite hurt with a damaged leg. It seems a hero is keeping Eraserheads eyes open via liquids around the eyes from what I can see on the images. Any time the Grand Commander goes to dust everyone they throw him up in the air... we need to get there!" Skeptic said and Izuku nodded his head as he moved back to them to look at the images while Dabi was laughing which confused him until he saw it.

"Well... you were right Dabi. They are going quite far for a normal Plus Ultra... what is driving them to do so much more than the normal Pro heroes?" Izuku wondered out loud as he thought of what would be driving them. Izuku knew they wanted to get him back but he refused to believe they would try to get him back on a damn battlefield in the middle of a war. "Oh well... no matter what it is in they can't win against overwhelming power," Izuku said as he returned to where Toga and Twice were at as Spinner and Mr. Compress were standing in another area. Izuku sat down with Twice and Toga and just prepared himself mentally because he was going to be facing off against his former homeroom teacher and nearly half of his class since the other half is somewhere near the Villa right now.

As Izuku prepared himself mentally, we switch back to the fight with Shigaraki who was getting more and more annoyed at the people he saw as bugs in front of him since they were putting up so much of a fight against him. As Shigaraki was fighting against all of them his body suddenly started to break apart shocking everyone. Shigaraki was even confused since he shouldn't have a limit to where his body would start breaking down like this since he had a hyper regeneration quirk inside of him so he looked up at the heroes and asked him what day it was but none of them answered. It was at this point Shigaraki realized the procedure wasn't fully completed which meant he was only half-backed and his body had an actual limit on how much power he could use before it started to break down before the regeneration quirk kicked back in.

"No matter, I will still win!" Shigaraki said as he again went to try to dust everyone by touching the ground but Gran Torino appeared once again and kicked him up into the air before backing away as Shigaraki had repeatedly tried to kill him. Others like Uravity would also use her quirk on him from time to time to keep him in the air even longer which annoyed Shigaraki as Bakugo would launch explosions onto Shigaraki while Eraserhead would end up blocking Shigaraki's quirks again whenever he could get a clear view of him but he couldn't keep it up forever even with Manual's help as he still had his limits so there were moments where they had to fight Shigaraki with all of his quirks which was destructive and a lot of the class and pro heroes had injuries on them due to the fight.

As the fight contained, Endeavor was able to get ahold of Shigaraki to the point where he launched a massive attack he called Prominence Burn, which started to burn Shigaraki's body completely but Shigaraki was able to force Endeavor off after a few moments as the regeneration quirk barely kept up with the burning fire. Endeavor did get skewed with some of the Rivet Stab quirks which acted as part of Shigaraki's body. Overall, the regeneration quirk was slowly starting to heal his body but he still was heavily damaged due to all of the large attacks he had received from the Pro Heros and Provisional Heros as well. Shigaraki was getting to a point he was going to be beaten and the heroes could see it as how heavily damaged and how the regeneration quirk was slowing down each time.

"You heroes... you think you won?" Shigaraki asked and Endeavor who was heavily damaged looked at Shigaraki and said that he was slowing down and would be defeated as even more heroes arrived but Shigaraki just chuckled. "I may be near defeat but you forgot who is on my side, didn't you?" Shigaraki said which confused them all until they hear a large roar from the distance. As they turned towards the direction of the sound, they saw it as Gigantomachia had arrived!

Gigantomachia called out for his master as he charged forward and Shigaraki chuckled, "Nice timing Gigantomachia

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Gigantomachia called out for his master as he charged forward and Shigaraki chuckled, "Nice timing Gigantomachia." Shigaraki said as everyone was shocked to see the giant arrival. However, they still haven't given up as Shouto Todoroki and Nejire both pushed forward and launched massive attacks on Shigaraki injuring him even more! Endeavor however yelled for them to run as Gigantomachia arrived and slammed his hand into them all as he grabbed his master from out of the battle. 

As Gigantomachia pulled Shigaraki close to him he shrunk down to his smaller form but not his smallest as he deactivated what you could call his battle form where he had his large claws and more spiky back. Even without that form he was still quite massive and could cause damage to anyone that opposes him and Izuku with the league would know from the month and a half in the past that they tried to tame the big guy! Gigantomachia spoke up and asked for Shigaraki to give him an order since his will was Gigantomachia's command but sadly for Gigantomachia he received no order since Shigaraki was out cold due to the last attack he received that damaged him just enough to knock him out.

'This is your biggest chance to win heroes... you need to take it since I have to keep playing my role until Shigaraki is arrested!' Izuku thought as he watched Dabi move to the edge and called out to Endeavor and Shouto Todoroki. "Ooh, there you are! You all look like ants from all thew ay up here and what do I see!? I spy shoot too? Perfect!" Dabi said which made Izuku confused on why Dabi would call Todoroki by his first name. Then it suddenly hit Izuku on why Dabi had such a large grudge against Endeavor and was so stuck on the man while calling Shouto by his first name!

'Blue fire... large grudge against Endeavor... DABI YOU'RE!?' Izuku thought as he watched Dabi poured something on his hair which turned it a different color from black. "I HAVE A GREAT NAME SO WHY CALL ME DABI WHEN IT'S TOYA!?" Dabi said shocking everyone. Though while this happened, Skeptic had played a video that he hacked into all news channels which was a video of Toya Todoroki as he explains his life as he talked about how he killed over 30 innocent people in cold blood and what drove him to it.

The video was even played in Rei Todoroki's room who the staff at the mental hospital were unable to stop it from playing in time as she listened to what her son talked about. The entire country listened to the video that was playing on all news outlets. Back at the battle, Dabi talked about how he was so happy when Endeavor claimed the number one spot since it provided him a much better way to tear him down as he could bring everything out in the open instead of just killing Shouto Todorki who Endeavor had put so much work into. As Dabi talked, he finally reached the climax point in his speech as he said, "THE PAST NEVER DIES!" which Izuku found so true as even though he was separated from Bakugo and those that harmed him in the past the memories and scars across his body never go away. They are with him forever as he had to suffer through all of that pain which dulled over time but never truly died away. 'The past truly never does die and it's why society had come to the breaking point right now as those it threw away still remember all of the pain it inflicted on those it had abused.' Izuku thought as he rubbed his arms remember his years in middle school and when he was younger as no one would help him.

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