Listen Before I go (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Yea.....and the brat should be out of prison tomorrow...throw a feast....whatever he will be placed back here then tar-"

Mr. D was yet again interrupted again as a loud explosion was heard on the outside while thunder crackled in the distance.

What on earth is happening we thought as everyone ran outside to watch the commotion.

My heart skipped beats as I spotted a familiar black and messy haired boy sending a huge wave towards the Anthenian cabin.

I thought he was stripped of his powers?

"Percy?" I however disappointed as his face turned and the lord of the seas looked angrily my way. I quickly muttered a prayer of apology to the Olympian.

"Percy is missing! Where is my son zeus!"

"Wait I thought prissy was in prison without his powers, how is he missing?" I asked. All the campers had now gathered at a safe distance away from the two quarreling gods.

Zeus had materialized just in time to stop the demolition.

"Someone took my son and now he's gone! How is that possible! How could a 17 year old boy go missing from the Olympian prison, HOW!"

"Things happened! Mistakes were made....Your spawn probably slyed  his way out, A quest for his retrieval shall be issued." Zeus said without batting an eye. Did he even care? THEIR HERO IS MISSING!!!

"My son has no power! No connection to the sea and no drachma! If anything happens to my son, I WILL retreat to my domain and drop my title as an Olympian."


Two days have passed since the quest was issued for Percy's safe return. Where did he go? The camp feels so different without that idiot.

What if he lost his memories? If Percy had his powers maybe he would have been here already.

"He still has riptide....he still has the will always return to the owner..." I muttered "But he lost his connection to the sea so will Riptide work with him?"


Day three slowly passed and there came no news. What's taking them so long! I ran passed Percy's spot on the lake staring longingly as I went on my patrol duties to take my mind off things. 

Annabeth and Rolland had broken up after news came that Percy went missing. My boyfriend Chris, Nico, Jason and Frank volunteered to do the quest with no prophecies to help.

Chris insisted to go with them because of what Percy had done for him. Leo however stayed back to search the internet about anything that related to Percy.


Day four passed and there was this weird feeling in the air. Leo reported something about a large earthquake near an offshore island.

The earthquakes reading was off the chart to be normal and people in New York felt little tremors, we thought Poseidon did it out of frustration but he denied ever being involved.


That time I got reincarnated into Royalty |Percy Jackson fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now