XXXIX - The Beasts Below

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"I have no idea how much time that we have in between or even if Mistress Hemlock was telling the truth." I finished, my throat hurting from explaining the entirety of my quick encounter. "Goddess, I'm not even sure how to approach this."

Alexander rubbed his forehead, the dull ache in the back of my head telling me that he most likely was experiencing a full-blown headache.

"There's a couple of things we can do, but I would say that the smartest thing to do at this point is to contact other packs. And other than that, prepare." He finally decided.

"What if we sent someone in? Infiltrate their base and kill them quick and easy from the inside? That way we aren't putting our own pack at risk." Farren suggested offhandedly.

Harmony shook her head. "No way, not only would that put Ti and Cassandra in another bout of danger, but we would also be the ones attacking, but if we let them come to us, the position of victims will be different. Both routes will end up in a war between us, we may as well take the ending that will portray us in a better light."

"I agree with Harmony," Alexander finalised. "Preparation and alerting other packs, that's all we can do. Vance, Farren, if you could I need you to get training started, just to pull all of the troops together, I don't want to be wasting any time. Myra, we're going to need as many healing potions and salves as you can make. Harmony, can you head out and alert as many businesses as possible, if you have time, perhaps the hospital and things like that as well. The more everyone is prepared the better, even if it's just a quick warning."

Harmony nodded and was the first to move, sending out a line that the rest of the others followed as they filed out of the door.

"What about us?" I asked, leaning against the table.

Alexander pulled out a piece of paper, a range of numbers written all over it, "We need to start making phone calls." He grabbed a pen and spilt the amount of the numbers in half, "I'll dial the first half and you call the second."

"Are we being stingy on the information?"

He shook his head, "No. Well, tell them the basics. About the situation, what's going on and what we may think will be their next move will be. If they ask, expand but if not, don't worry about it."

We pulled out our phones and carefully situated the paper in a place where both of us could see it.

I started tapping the numbers into the pad, "Hi, this is Cassandra Verano, Luna of the Bloodlust Pack, am I speaking to Angelino Bellimo?-"

Phone call after phone call after phone call, my voice as friendly and kind as possible as I delivered the seemingly devastating news. Many had a similar reaction, that they would be aware, increase their guards and should we call on them, they'd be on our side. I'd never felt more professional in my life.

I had moved a seat down from Alexander, just to try and give us some space so that we weren't talking into each other. I kept my calls short and sweet, while Xander seemed to always end up talking for at least five minutes per person. The vein in his neck was sticking out prominently as he grew more and more concerned.

"Of course, we'll keep you updated on what's happening. I can't guarantee that the call will be from me but when anything new comes up, you'll be the first to know. Yep, bye-bye, we'll talk soon." The moment that I pressed the red button, I let my face fall before stretching myself out.

"Goddess some of them love to talk," I groaned.

Xander chuckled, "Oh tell me about it. My phone bill is going to be through the roof."

I tapped my finger against the table, "That was the last one, everyone seemed pretty much completely onboard and on our side."

Xander sighed, "For the most part, same as well. The biggest issue was just trying to get in contact with the Fae lord and Siren Queen. For some reason, I've been gifted with a direct line to their places of residence. However, it seemed that it wasn't as direct as I assumed. Getting in contact was unbearable and trying to get them to take it seriously and understand was even harder. I got through to them in the end, but I wouldn't be relying on them too heavily, I think that Fae lord was completely drunk and just pretending to listen if I'm being honest."

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