X - Competition

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When I had agreed to go training with Alexander and the rest of his posse, I hadn't expected it to be nearly as soon as what he had in mind.

Carefully, I knotted my fingers through my hair as I plaited it into two intricate braids. I left all my piercings in, as usual, just ensuring that there was no chance I would have hair flying in my face. Accompanied by a pair of tight, black leggings and a green sports bra, it almost felt, just for a moment, like I was back at base.

But I wasn't.

I exited the bathroom and headed down the stairs, knowing that everyone else in the house was in the kitchen. It had all been organised last night at dinner, Alexander had called me out, I agreed and then both Harmony and Myra decided they wanted to come too. Not that I had any issue with that.

Only Alexander stopped when I walked in the room, everyone else continuing on with whatever they were doing, be it having a light meal or a quick drink.

I noticed that the kettle had just been poured, so I used my minimal knowledge of the kitchen layout to grab myself a mug, some sugar and an English breakfast tea-bag.

I poured the hot water, letting the inky, brown tendrils slowly take over the clear hot water as I poured in the smallest bits of sugar. After a few moments, I brought the mug to my lips.

"All ready to go Cas?" Harmony asked excitedly, 

I raised my eyes, my body stilling. "Please don't call me Cas,"

Her smile dimmed slightly, "Oh, sorry, of course."

It seemed I had the unnatural ability to suck every inch of energy and enjoyment from a room, turning the whole environment quiet and tense.

I sighed, "Sorry, it's what my friends would call me. I'm just not sure I'm ready for that sort of moving on."

In one large gulp, I finished the rest of my mug, suddenly feeling very quiet. I should have just kept my mouth shut. Let her call me whatever she wanted.

Vance stood up, "Well, should we go? No point in wasting time, we've got a training session to go to."

There seemed to be a lot of anticipation for something that happened practically every day. While Alexander was probably exempt from attending every single session, I doubted that it would extend to Vance and Farren.

Maybe it was that Myra and Harmony never came, 

Or maybe it was because of me.

I sighed as started to walk, probably the latter.

As always, I gravitated to the front, ending up right at Alexander's side. I shoved my shoulders back to make myself look even just the slightest bit taller. In long, powerful strides, I had no problem keeping up with Alexander as we walked. Clearly, It was close, otherwise, I could have almost guaranteed that we would have shifted, an action that I certainly wouldn't object with.

My entire body was shaking, and not from nerves. I loved training, the freedom and power it gave me would run an endless course through my body. But I was used to always dominating, beating every other person there until they were nothing but a bloodied pulp on the ground.

I'm not sure I would be able to do that here.

As we walked, I was able to truly admire the Bloodlust pack. Technically, this was the first time I was seeing it, mainly since the only time that I had spent here was locked up in a hospital or a bedroom and my escapades had all been performed under the cover of night.

It certainly was beautiful.

Tons of shade provided by tall, looming trees, clean streets and matching houses lining the streets that were cohesive, yet each had its own individual flair.

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