XIII - Reunion

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I slid out of the house without saying another word.

It had crossed my mind to say goodbye to the others, at least let them know that I would be leaving to prevent Alexander from breaking the news. Perhaps Harmony would think it has something to do with her brother, or perhaps not. 

It felt nice to be back in my leathers, the steel dagger at my side. I was so used to it being practically my only attire, it almost gave me some normalcy, even if the memories tied to it weren't so great.

I easily slid over the border, wincing slightly in pain as I did so, yet the feeling disappeared momentarily.

It seemed my wolf was more attached than I thought if crossing the border caused me pain.

I didn't waste any more time.

I quickly shifted, feeling the wind brush through my fur as I started to move. The dirt underneath my paws, the sun on my back, the feeling of nature.

This had always been my favourite bit, just being able to shift. Rarely did the leaders allow me to shift otherwise.

The mission had been as simple as it always was. A casino, strategically placed in no-mans-land was our place of infiltration. A casino, strategically owned, by the leaders. Though that part wasn't exactly common knowledge. I had a few people I needed to kill, Cora had a new investor to scout that only came out of his little hole once a year, and Ti needed to establish a range of protective and tracking spells around the perimeter and on the staff. The three of us had already planned it completely, though I wondered what changes had to be made to accommodate my replacement. 

Thankfully, while Bloodlust was on the edge, taking over the entire coastline, it was certainly closer to the casino than base was, meaning a much shorter trip, practically only taking me a few hours. Besides, I had never shifted before to get where I needed to be while on these joint missions. I could shift sure, but Cora and Ti could not. 

It was barely any effort at all to get from Bloodlust to the Casino, the sun turning the sky a mixture of burnt orange pale pinks when I finally shifted back into my human form. I smoothed my hair back as the tips of my fingers brushed against the plain, clear blade that I had shoved up my sleeve. I had four on me at this exact moment, quite simply, the more the better.

I would be taking no risks, especially not in this sort of situation.

The Casino laid in a practically barren city, and I knew full well if you began to travel down the road you would find a range of small, run-down houses with puffs of smoke billowing from their chimneys. Even further down from there, a black market and so on. 

I realised, there was no need for my leathers, other than simple ease when it came to transporting. I dragged myself into a half-built toilet block and dug my hand sharply into the small bag I had attached. A leather handbag of sorts, a dark black colour that while suited my leathers, didn't suit my situation.

And so I got changed.

I certainly couldn't walk through one of the most well-known illegal casinos in the country in the clothes that I had worn in a million different murder situations.

No, instead, I would wear a dress.

I wiggled a strap around each of my thighs, and then quickly slid two blades on each strap, keeping them tight against my skin. Within this small leather bag that I had quickly swiped from Myra's room, was a dress.

Red velvet, a loose top and thin, spaghetti straps that held easily over my shoulders and a hidden zipper down the back that almost killed me to zip up. I pulled my hair out of the braids, running my fingers through the strands, leaving it a tousled mess. I strapped on the heels, fastened two large gems into my lobes and an even larger one around my neck. 

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