XXV - Measurements

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People grabbed my hand in congratulations, words and phrases of excitement, yet I barely even registered it. It almost felt like the whole world was moving in slow motion. Except it wasn't.

Alpha Montgomery welcomed me forward, and I took my place on stage next to him. He grasped my hand and raised it higher in the air, causing more cheers to erupt, even louder than before. It was like the sound caused me to snap back into reality. And I was back, eyes wide as I smiled victoriously, holding my hand up higher.

"Cassandra Verano will be representing The Werewolves in this year's upcoming games!" He announced, "This decision has been made for many reasons, though if you disagree, feel free to take it up with me. Or just watch the video evidence." He ended with a chuckle. He said more, but I didn't hear it, too focused on everything happening around me.

As soon as it had happened, it was over. The other representatives were walking to the side and moving out of the way, as if not to take my spotlight as Alphas from the stands slowly made their way down to the fields. Each Alpha and Beta pairing moved toward their representatives. Most looked fine, some disappointed. But for a select few, I could sense the anger from here. I noticed the camera whirring, closing up on my face as it clicked, taking photos before changing angles once again. 

Before I knew it, Alexander was at one side with Vance and Harmony on the other. My heart fluttered in pride.

I had won.

I had beat everyone.

Before I knew it, Alpha and Luna Montgomery had moved themselves off the stage, making way for two familiar figures. One dressed in a dark navy suit while the other wore a neon pink blouse and skirt. John and Tilly. The reporters that had outed the information about Alexander and I. About our relationship.

The camera whizzed away before settling, a few clicks in a countdown as Tilly smoothed her hair and John prepared his microphone. In a split second, large phony smiles covered their faces as they began to speak.

"We are here in the centre fields of Desert Sun, right after the announcement came through that one Cassandra Verano has been announced as this year's Werewolf Representative! While it's certainly an exciting tidbit of information, it's rather a confirmation than actual news, Tilly wouldn't you agree?" John started off strong. I already knew the camera was solely focusing on them.

"I certainly would John, no one is really surprised, in fact, it really was quite predictable. And for good reason too. After speaking with some other representatives over these trials, we've found out that most came in already prepared for lost due to the stunning admission of the mystery girl from Bloodlust." Tilly squealed. "After a fantastic display of ability during her pack trials, only to come here and show off her own fighting skills against other representatives. Well, the deal was set."

John laughed, "I'm not too sure what we expected, of course, coming from Bloodlust. Ms Verano is currently the 23rd successful Bloodlust representative over a course of 236 games! Out of those 24 other competitors, 2 have been successful in winning the game overall, so let us see if Ms Verano can be the third! Now, I do believe it's time we speak to the woman herself! Ms Verano, can I call you Cassandra? How are you feeling."

I leaned into the mic, "On top of the world John."

"Oh, I'm sure you are!" Tilly squealed. "Anyone would be! But first, let's address the elephant in the room. While an official statement has been released from Alpha Montgomery, we want to hear it live from you. What's the deal with you and Alpha Cain?"

I pushed my shoulders back. "He's my mate. Simple and plain. Of course, in normal situations, I wouldn't be allowed to compete, however, I'm not the Bloodlust Luna. The rule only applies to someone in a leadership position, not a mate."

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