#17: Southern Hospitality

374 17 23

August 14, 2018

6:58am | Houston Safehouse

Freddie's POV

The annoying sound of my cellphone vibrating woke me from my sleep. "I just went to bed." I rolled over and groaned. I snatched the cellphone off the dresser and read the notification on my screen. I had text message from Violet.

Unlocking my phone, "What the hell is she texting me this early for?"

The message read:

V: Be ready at 8am

I texted her back: What's going on?

A minute later, she responded: I got the meeting with Zeus. I need you to ride with me.

Sitting up in the bed, I replied: You know she is not going to like that.

I peered over at Neveah, sleeping peacefully next to me. I leaned over and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek and whispered, "I love you."

My cellphone vibrates in my hand; it was Violet responding back.

V: That's not my problem. Figure it out.


I slowly slid out the bed so that I didn't wake Neveah. Instead of taking my quick shower in the adjacent bathroom, I used the bathroom across the hall from our room. In the shower, I thought about how I was going to tell Neveah that I had to go with Violet. If I wasn't in business with her, it would've been an automatically no, but since she supplies majority of the products that push in Riverborn it was a no brainer that I agreed to go.

Faced washed and teeth brushed, I exited out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. Checking the time, I still had a little over thirty minutes before Violet arrived. I returned to the bedroom to retrieve some clean clothes out the hamper. I wasn't happy with the selection that I had. I was used to rock a new fit every day.

"I got hit the mall." I held up a wrinkle white t-shirt in the air.

"Where you going?" Neveah asked still stretched out on the bed.

I answer honestly, "Uhhh---Violet texted me and told me to be ready by eight."

She quickly sat up in the bed, "Did she get the meeting with Zeus?" She asks.

I lie and say, "I don't know."

Neveah then jumps out the bed and rushes inside the adjacent bathroom before I could say anything else. Seconds later, I heard the shower water running.

Telling Neveah that she couldn't go but I had to was going to start another argument between us. instead of dealing with that, I got dressed and quickly left out of the room. Downstairs was quiet, indicating that Kareem was still in his room sleep. I retrieved a water bottle from the fridge and made my way towards the front door.

"Freddie you still here!" Neveah yelled from upstairs.

"Yeah, just heading out for some air."

As soon as I walked out the door, an all-black escalade pulled up in front of the house. I dug in my shorts pocket and pulled my phone out to check the time eight o' clock on the dot. One of her bodyguards exited out the front passenger seat to open her door.

Violet exited out of the truck dressed like a million bucks in a silk a custom V-neck jumpsuit and gold stiletto heels. In her hand, she had fifty thousand crème colored Birkin bag. I thought about buying Neveah one on our 1st anniversary.

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