#11: Stuck Between A Rock & A Hard Place

415 17 16


Safe House | Houston, TX

Neveah's POV

Freddie, Kareem, and I were sitting in  the living with our eyes focused on the TV screen. The news stations have been going crazy all day about an unknown gunman at a local Meijer. News reports said that he pointed his gun at other shoppers and associates. What caught my attention is when I heard that he had a woman and child  with him.

A woman and child. There was no way it could be them.

The first surveillance video released was a bit blurry, but I could see clear as day that it was Athena sitting in the shopping cart. My baby was alive and well but in the worst predicament I could possibly imagine for her. Sabrina was next to her trying to calm the situation. The man they were with, I didn't recognize but the witnesses described him as tall, Hispanic, he could also be bi-racial and in his late twenties or early thirties.

During the interview, the Chief Of Police revealed that a store associate was found knocked unconscious near the loading docks. It will be a few days before they could get any information from him. In the meantime, they asked if anybody had information about the suspects to please call their hotline. All tips will remain anonymous.

"We should call?" I spoke an inner thought out loud.

"Come again?" Freddie faced me, confused.

"It's anonymous, we should call and tell them who Sabrina and Athena are and that our daughter was kidnapped by her."

Freddie turned to Kareem to see if he agreed with me or was against the whole idea.

"Whatever my daughter wants to do. I support it." He responded without blinking an eye.

Freddie argued, "This is my mom though. She's a victim in all of this too."

"I'm sorry, Freddie but I want Athena back."

"I want her back too, but let's give it a chance to see if we can get to them. If the police get to my moms first that's it. They locking her away and there's no way I'm stepping foot in prison...for anybody for that matter."

I was stuck between a rock in a hard place. Since Freddie told me about his mother, I always saw the hurt in his eyes and heard the pain in his voice. A child will always need their mother no matter how old there were, and a mother would always need her child. In the beginning of our relationship, I promised if there was a day that Freddie was ever reunited with his mother, I would support him, but this---this  was different.

His mother had taken my daughter.

I stood up and apologized again, "I'm sorry, Freddie but I can't wait anymore." I ended the conversation on that note and headed upstairs to our bedroom.

"Neveah." Freddie called out to me, but I  painfully ignored him.

I had nothing else to say.

            The only thing that was going to ensure that I had a good nights rest was a hot shower. I began stripping my clothes off when I heard a gentle knock on the door.

            "Who is it?"


            "Come in." I said, continuing taking off my clothes.

            Freddie entered the room, closing the door behind him.

            "What do you want Freddie?" I asked, now only dressed in my bra and panties.

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