#16: Jealousy Is A Helluva Drug

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8:45pm | Riverborn Police Precinct

Homicide Detective Turner's POV (Cont.)

I swerved in and out of traffic, making my way back to the precinct.

There was no way Opal walked out of that building with no one seeing here. I thought while switching lanes. 

I checked my rearview mirror for Samson, he was still behind me keeping up with the flow. 

We arrived at the precinct within fifteen minutes and parked near the front entrance door. Samson ran up the stairs with me behind him. He snatched the door open, allowing me to walk in first. Before going up the elevator, I described Opal to the officers at the front desk and asked them had they seen her walk out those doors. Their response was no.

Hopeful,  "She might be still in the building." Samson says as we ran towards the elevator.

Pressing the up button to go up, "Nah, if I was her and I  wanted to get away, I wouldn't hide in a police station."

The doors opened, and we quickly stepped inside. Samson pressed the number to our floor and then turns to me, "Before we get up there, promise me you won't kill Johnson."

"I don't make promises I can't keep." I replied, staring at the floor numbers going up.

Officer Johnson's horrified face was the first thing I saw when the door opened. In a panic tone, he says to me, "I know I fucked up and I'm sorry."

Sorry wasn't going to fix this. Losing Opal could possibly hinder our investigation. I thought I could trust him to watch her. It was a simple task; it was bad enough that he was already hearing bullshit from his lieutenant, and I wanted to give him the opportunity to get back in their good graces.

Never fucking again.

"Start explaining." I folded my arms.

Officer Johnson explains that after I left, Opal banged on the door yelling that she needed to go to the restroom. She complained that she had been there all day and hasn't been able to relieve herself. He informed me that he wasn't going to let her go to the restroom at first and just wait till I came back. Something he should've did. Since she wasn't under arrest, there was no need for her to handcuffed to go to the bathroom. Johnson waited outside  until another officer walked to him and said that there was young woman standing near the elevator with information on one of my suspects. He ordered the officer to stay with Opal while he went to go talk to her. When he returned ten minutes later, the officer was no longer in front of the bathroom. He assumed he took her back to the interview room and was shocked to find the room empty and the officer missing.

"Do you know the officer's name?"

Johnson answered shaking his head. "No."

I sighed frustratedly, "Dammit, Johnson you had one job." I held up my index finger.

"Look, the only reason  I left the bathroom in the first place was because of the girl who had info." He argued.

"Where is she?"

"In interview room three." He pointed towards the second door down the hall.

"Samson, take Johnson and few more officers and search this building from top to bottom." Facing Johnson, "Have you checked the security tapes?"

"Not yet."

"Alright, do that first."

I walked off high key pissed off, but I had to gather myself before going inside to interview this girl. As part of protocol, all interviews must be recorded. I stepped into the room adjacent to it and press the record button on the camera and walked back out. Turning the knob, I slowly entered the room, finding the young woman in front of the double-sided mirror, checking her appearance. The long lemonade braids hung down to her back, she was dressed in a marble-colored maxi-dress with matching flip flops.

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