#6: Double Trouble

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August 12, 2018

Riverborn Police Precinct

Homicide Detective Turner's POV

"Let's get this day started." I sighed deeply, walking into my dark office. It was six in the morning and I was one of the first ones to arrive. I loved it! It gave me a chance to prepare for the day and take glance over my cases before I went out on the street to gather more evidence and talk to more witnesses. I expected my partner to be arriving in the next thirty minutes, hungover from the night before. So, I decided to walk down to the staff lounge and brew the morning coffee for the team. Something that became a routine since I joined the Criminal Investigation Unit eight years ago.

For the past 2-3 days, the Chief of Police had every officer available, searching for the killer of Homicide Detectives Crawford and Grayson.

I've heard a few officers make comments on what they would do if they found the killer. Personally, I just want to put the individual away and be done with it. Beating on criminals doesn't excite me. Seeing them being put away for the rest of their life does.

The community on the other hand, is in an uproar and wants justice for the Baron Twins, both murdered senseless within days of each other and this comes months after triple murder of the students from John Hill High School and earlier this year, there was a drive by shooting that left one teen dead in a car.

Kids are dying and people want to know why.

That's where my partner and I come in.

I headed back to my desk and took a seat to review the uncensored and full cellphone video of the shooting.

"Alright, let's see what we got here?" I pressed my finger on the mouse to click the play button. I reached for my coffee and took a small sip and placed it back in its place.

The cellphone video started off all over the place. "Oh my God!" I complained. "I hope it's not going to be like this during the thing." Finally, the witness was able to control the phone and focus the camera on what was happening at the park across the street from them. I can see Brycen  holding a young female teen hostage, she had to be at least sixteen years of age. I jot down my observation and continue watching. Brycen removed the blindfold and revealed her full face. I quickly zoomed in and paused the video to take a quick screenshot and had it printed out. I scrolled over to the older male suspect and took a pause. His face was  familiar to me. The third suspect in the video, had his back facing the camera. A few moments later, gunshots were heard coming from another direction. The witness ducked for cover and waited a few seconds before standing back up to finish recording. It seemed like that days of people calling for help first were coming to an end.

The witness refocused the camera and zoomed in. Brycen and the older suspect were getting into a verbal altercation. You couldn't have prepared me for the next thing I saw. I watched Brycen's body drop to the ground. The female teen watched in horror while the older suspect stood with his gun still drawn at the boy's lifeless body debating if he was going to shoot again. The third suspect prepared to get up but dropped back down to the ground immediately. Again, gun shots were heard this time a little closer. The witness tried turning getting a view of the shooter but was blocked by neighboring trees.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." The witness panicked in the video. He turned the camera back to the field and it showed the older suspect holding his arm and running into the woods. The third suspect ran to the young female and consoled her. It was evident that they had some relationship with one another. The young girl was distraught, trying to get up and run after the older suspect but he stopped her. She then drew her gun and pointed, not at the third suspect but at unknown man dressed in all black. His back was facing the camera as he casually walked through the field with a gun in his hand.

STEP DADDY 2: FAMILY TIES (COMPLETED) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora