I didn't want to interrupt their conversation either, but I also didn't want Jin to be in pain, or do something he would regret later. I pictured Jae cheering me on and that gave me the courage to open the glass door with a strong push.

    They both looked at me as I walked in, expressions still hard. "Sorry, but Jin is...I think he needs you.." I said, mostly to Namjoon. He sighed, and he rubbed the back of his neck and looked at Jungkook, "We'll continue this later." And just like that, he was out the door and lightly hurried down the stairs, Hobi following closely behind.

     Jungkook looked conflicted about something. "You okay, Kooks?" I asked him as I lightly ruffled his hair. I was worried he would swat my hand away, but he didn't. Instead, he rested his hand on top of the one I had on his head. "Yeah."

         He didn't say a word for a while, and I didn't know what to ask. Jungkook had gotten better about opening up as he grew older, but still, I knew there was no use prodding him with questions. If he wanted to talk about it, he would. Besides, I didn't want to pry in a conversation that wasn't meant for my ears anyway. "Don't worry about it. We weren't fighting or anything." He muttered, and gave me a weak smile.

     He went to walk down the stairs and I followed. When we reached the bottom I looked over just in time to see Namjoon walking in Jin's room and close the door. After that, it was pretty quiet. I figured Namjoon was doing whatever he did last time to calm him down.

     It had been a while now, but Yoongi still hadn't come back. Though, I wasn't too worried. He was a lone wolf, despite being a panther. He liked his alone time, and now that there were eight of us, it might be harder to come by.

     Jungkook, Hobi, and I were lounging on the couch, playing around with the flat screen when Jae and Jimin came back up the stairs. Strangely, my heart started beating faster when I saw they were holding hands. I also noticed that despite looking extremely happy, his eyes were a little puffy. Had he been crying?

     "Oh, you found the remote?" Jimin asked Hobi, who pointed to Jungkook, "Nope, he did. I'm...what do you call it? Channel surfing? I'm counting how many channels this thing has and we're in the five hundreds now!" Jae laughed, and all of us smiled.

    "Oh my gosh Hobi you're so cute." she said giggling, and Hobi's face almost turned as red as his hair. Jungkook patted the empty spot between me and him, and looked at her with almost pleading eyes. "Join us in the channel surfing." he said with a grin.

     She came forward a little and then stopped, noticing her hand was still attached to Jimin's. He looked like he didn't want to let her go, and she looked back at him, as if asking for permission. Yeah, something definitely happened between the two of them.

     Their hands separated and he sat next to Hobi on the other side, and Jae plopped down between me and Jungkook. I didn't miss how the two of us simultaneously scooted closer to her. I would have laughed, if I didn't feel another twinge of jealousy.

     "Hobi, can I see the remote?" she asked him. He tossed it over but it was more towards me, so I caught it in mid air. When I handed it to her, our fingers brushed against each other and my stomach did a flip on itself. "Let's see.." she pressed a bunch of buttons and the tv screen changed to another screen. "Oh sweet, it is on here." she smiled. "What is Netflix?" Jimin asked, both him and Hobi squinting at the screen. I had never heard of the word either.

      "I guess it makes sense you haven't heard of it. I didn't see a tv at the other place. It's basically a huge library of movies and tv shows that you can watch whenever you want." she explained, "I had too much time on my hands, so I'm certain I've watched almost everything on here." She sighed, and I saw her shoulders deflate a little.

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