Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

Wait fuck what are you gonna tell Erina-

All of a sudden you're moved off of the blonde vampire and left sitting on the sofa as he approaches the still terrified girl.

Despite the vampiric urge to drink away her life, you can't help but be concerned for the girl's safety. It seemed being a ridiculously compassionate human had left you with just enough kindness as a vampire to want to save her still.

"Now mademoiselle, I offer unto you a choice," Dio says, looming over the teenager, "Would you not care to enjoy your youth and beauty for all eternity?"

"Fret not my dear, I shall not force my friendship upon you like others might do. You control your life, you hold your destiny in your own hands."
This bitch.

Fucker listened to you ranting about consent for years and decided it should only be applied to people he can eat if they reject him? That's just... Ew. Hell, he could've at least asked you yourself to at least verbally confirm if you were up for the whole vampire thing rather than waiting for you to start dying.

Or wait for Jojo to die, more accurately speaking.

Dammit! You are not gonna let him keep getting away with this shit, even if he is pretty. You're gonna save this girl and then get revenge for Jojo and the others! You can totally use being a vampire against Dio, like fighting fire with fire.

Actually, fire hasn't really been your friend recently... Or at any point in your life.

"You fiend..." The girl whispers fiercely, an interesting choice, whispering bravely. Pretty much an oxymoron. Ugh, what a champ she is.

You would not be allowing Dio to turn her into a zombie tonight. Hamon or no Hamon! Actually would slug poison work on him, all considering? Weedkiller maybe?

You could try sucking out whatever blood he's got in him. If it kills humans maybe it could-

"Ay? How's that again?" Dio coos, leaning in closer to hear the girl despite the heightened hearing he possesses.

Arrogance suits Dio a lot more than your fondness for him.

"You wear the flesh but you're not a man. Devil go away!" She cries out angrily, raising a hand and slapping the shit out of Dio.

Ayo hold up. That's not good.

You're up in a second, moving faster than you ever could before your transformation. Jerking the punched up blonde up and away from the girl in case he does anything... Murdery.

Dio, now standing but still composed, rots the rose in his hands. He doesn't bother leaving your panicked grip. Surely he was furious, and yet the girl remains unharmed, that's not like him, you're almost concerned, "Did she manage to take out a few brain cells, my lord?"

The joke in your somewhat nervous voice is clear enough that the spooked girl's eyes widen further and Dio's red pupils seem to flash with something.

It's smugness.

The blonde turns to the door, leaving the girl and the dead flower on the floor. You end up being pulled along with him.

Pieces of odd green gloop fall on the girl from above the minute you and Dio step far enough away.

What the fuck is that thing?

The girl looks up at the drooling zombie in horror. You look at it in horror as well, how could such a creature have ever been human?

"Alas. Although your acquaintance will be brief, let me introduce one of my companions. I present unto you Doobie," Dio scowls, the massive zombie standing menacingly before the girl, "As regrettably, I am not to your taste, enjoy your time with him. Au revoir, mademoiselle."

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