Chapter Twenty

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"Cause to lose all my senses is just so typically me. Oh baby, baby."


You sprint away from Zeppeli and Speedwagon, running further into the stone pillar maze of a landscape. Tarkus is running behind you, covering a lot more ground with his massive legs.

The brute keeps swinging his sword at you- as if running isn't hard enough on its own, you have to dodge the lethal weapon slicing and cutting everything it touched.

"I'm gonna squish you like a bug!" The tremendous zombie yells as you circle and dodges the massive sword he holds, "I'm gonna rip you in half like a twig!"

"You can try, you unripe piece of ass!" You yell, slamming your feet down and bending the rest of your body backwards to dodge under a particularly effective swing, your outfit swaying out in a particularly cool animated way, "There's a reason your Queen got captured you know*!"

Tarkus roars like he's been taken classes from a throat singer and twists the sword vertically, bringing it down onto your awkwardly bent body. With no other option, you use the stolen knife to push up against the sword.

In yoga terms, you're attempting quite a bold bridge with blades involved, in other terms, you're fucked.

Against the brute's vast strength, both the knife and your arm begin shaking and pushing your weight down, bending your body further towards the ground.

Your back hits the rock below you and you're laying in a triangle shape with your feet still on the ground. Thank goodness for the flexibility you have from posing all the time, being a Jojo character has its perks.

Being pinned to the hard floor with a massive sword above your head is not such a perk.

"I'm gonna kill you, driggle-draggle!" Tarkus yells and you wouldn't be surprised if he spat on you. Driggle-draggle? What kind of insult is that? Gods the 1600s were rough, and that's coming from a victorian. Poor Tarkus.

Sike, fuck this guy.

"Kill me? Maybe I should've worn red," You keep up the smug, distracting act and surprise the Zombie by sending Hamon up the two blades, "Oooh, something brown would match your decaying get-up*."

The effect of the Hamon doesn't seem to do much more than make Tarkus cringe like he ate something sour, the massive knight backing up and momentarily dropping his huge sword, giving you enough time to stand up and well, back the fuck up.

'Have the others killed Bruford yet?' You think, there's no way you'll be able to kill this Tarkus guy all alone. Can you regroup yet? Is Jojo safe?

Not like that matters, you're about to give this bastard the fight of his life- death?- if it'll allow the others to help Jojo. It would suck to go to hell for something so morally righteous but oh well, for Jojo you'd take on The World.

You hear the scattered noises of Tarkus picking up his sword and focus once again on the rising colossus. You raise your curved blade and just in time too as Tarkus leaps forward and attempts to stab you, "Let's dance Tar-Tar, what says you to La Volta*?"

The giant ignores your words but the momentum of the sword colliding into the knife forces Tarkus to back up slightly. It wasn't enough to completely throw off the giant, however- so you use Hamon to kick at the sword, sending it and Tarkus barreling to the left.

Ha, that's what he gets for having a sword big enough to kick.

He's strong but so are you after years of trying to work out at the same pace as 'Hercules reborn'.

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