Chapter Fifteen

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  P H A N T O M  B L O O D

"Honey honey, how you thrill me, aha, honey honey."


9th November 1888

"Jojo won his battle against that demon, poor sod. He lost everything in the process. That's why I brought him here three days ago." Speedwagon says to you as you both stare up at a large hospital, "And now bereft of father and home alike, how's he gonna muster up the will to live?"

Okay, jeez it's not like the Joestar's lost your amazing rose petal tart recipe. If that's not something to go on living for, then what are you even doing in this story?

"Don't give up on the world yet Jojo!" Speedwagon finishes, taking your hand and raising it passionately.

"Er Robbie, let's just hurry up and visit him yeah?" You smile at the blonde before towing him inside the hospital with you. Had it not been for the whole legal situation with the Joestar manor burning down, you could've been at Jojo's side by now.

For the past three days, you'd been dealing with all the servants who'd actually been made homeless as well as unemployed Plus all the newspaper guys asking about the whole dead cops, dead nobles, house on fire thing.

Still, though, you felt guilty for not visiting Jojo sooner. And for leaving Dio to die...

Oh would you look at that, you've ready reached the corridor of Jojo's hospital room.

You and Speedwagon had stopped outside Jojo's room rather abruptly after noticing the light coming through the door. There was totally someone already in there with him whoops.

Your eyes widened when they settle on the familiar girl tending to Jojo. Your face heats up quicker than the Joestar's expensive carpets. Surely this couldn't be the lovely blonde girl you had been so smitten with years ago?

"Thank goodness," The mysterious lady exclaims and the two of you outside the room gasp in relief at the sight of Jojo opening his eyes. Surprisingly enough he seems lucid enough for the stranger to keep talking to him, "You're through the worst of it. You should be fine."

"So you've been tending to my injuries," Jojo says softly before looking more closely at the lady in shock, "But how can... How can you be standing here? You're the image of... But no, I'm sorry. Your face reminds me of a girl I used to know."

"Her name wouldn't happen to be Erina Pendleton would it?" The lady responds and wow, your heart's racing.

Jojo sits up joyfully, "It's you!"

"It's been a long time, Jonathan Joestar... Jojo." The now identified blonde sighs happily. You and Speedwagon watch them with bated breaths.

"Erina. You've really grown up," Jojo says and Erina's eyes widen.

"Me? But you've grown a fair sight more," The hardness melts off Erina's affectionate expression, "Yet you're still... The boy you were."

"Yeah," Jojo admits.

Speedwagon smiles and you watch in confusion as he walks away. Wasn't he worried about Jojo's life earlier?

You go to follow him but turn back to see Erina collapsing. Boom, next thing you know you're cradling the blonde before she hits the floor, Jojo's eyes widening at the sudden sight of you.

"I-I must've fainted for a moment," Erina murmurs before gasping at the familiar gardener holding her waist, "(Y/N)! What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing! Don't tell me Jojo brought you here from the past just to work you to death?" You and Erina laugh as you help her steady her footing.

Angel Eyes [JJBA Part 1 x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora