Chapter Fourteen

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"Burn baby burn. Disco inferno."


"Oi carper, away from the window!" Speedwagon yells to the inspector, you pulling him away from the window as the officer's life comes to an abrupt end.

Or well, maybe not so abrupt? Even though the top part of his head had been flicked off of the rest of him like a bottle cap from hell, you could still kind of see the inspector's eyes looking about.

Nausea coated your throat like a sickly sauce compelling you to keep staring at the pooling blood on the expensive carpet and you were sick. Oh goodness, please don't throw up in front of Speedwagon or Jojo, don't throw up, don't throw up don't-

"The inspector!" One of the suddenly underprepared law enforcers cries, the dangerous figure of the killer moving into the darkness inhumanly quick.

That is until Dio steps down onto the broken window frame behind the nearly headless corpse with a grace that someone dead five minutes ago really shouldn't have.

The blonde's eyes had gone a blazing scarlet colour, his nails sharpened into claws and his face seemed to have contorted into a pale sort of villainous visage only seen in the corners of mirrors and nightmares.

Um, well at least on the bright side it was a bit of a glow-up? His skin practically sparkled in the firelight.

On the not so bright side, holy shit Dio was alive.

"No that's impossible! How is he alive?!" Speedwagon exclaims, moving next to the officers while you run towards Jojo and Lord Joestar's... remains?

"Damfino!" You exclaim, thoroughly panicked and also kind of mad at the dead man walking, "Some guns these mutton shunters have! Dio looked worse before they shot him! Um, no offence chaps..."

"Keep your distance lads, he's armed with something!" The main police officer guy says to his companions, luckily ignoring your insults.

Jojo delicately lays his father's body on the floor and you help him up as the tense and tiny crowd turns to Dio.

"Ah! he's coming right at us!" One of the officers yelled as Dio began calmly stepping towards the group. (Y/N) gasped slightly at how much cooler the undead blonde's cape made him seem.

"What are you waiting for?! Hit him with everything you've got left!" Speedwagon yelled though the four officers made no move to shoot. Were they in shock?

'Blimey, I ought to be in shock too,' You think as you watch the blueberry boy you'd grown up with grab a gun and aim it at Dio.

"Come no closer!" Jojo threatens the blonde but he just kinda smirks menacingly and continues his evil stroll, "Not another step I mean it!"

The wicked Brando ends up walking so far forward that he's pressing his head against the gun, the gun Jojo hasn't fired yet for whatever reason.

"Blow his brains out now! Do it before he kills us all!" Speedwagon shouts and a gun's fired. A bullet goes straight through Dio's shocked face but it isn't Jojo's shot making the undead man bleed.

Speedwagon's gun smokes as he stands straight-faced next to Jonathan. However, that composure was quickly lost when the blonde continues walking and starts feeling up his new head wound. He plays with the blood on his fingers for a moment before licking it.

Ew, maybe? The gesture's both disgusting and hot but oh well...

You gulp slightly before grabbing one of the other police officers guns and shooting at Dio's head again. If you don't succeed try several more rounds and all that. Though the bullets don't really hit the undead blonde, the bad aim just sort of... amusing him?

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