Chapter Five

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Just as you had told the Dio and then later Jojo, you left the Joestar residency on a wagon. After happily hugging the boys, Danny included, you travelled away on a wagon with Simon.

Simon was an idiot by any means, not being able to tell a camellia from a peony. Despite this, he was still the only other gardener employed by George Joestar.

While you, an uneducated 12-year-old, was able to create and maintain one of the most gorgeous and envied backyards in England. The professional, adult Simon could barely hold a scythe. Hence the front of the Joestar mansion being nothing more than a field with some paths and a single fountain. Disgustang.

I mean there was the occasional tree but they were there long before Simon.

After retrieving the shrubbery Lord Joestar was so desperate for, the two of you returned from the small adventure. You were very pleased with the new shrubbery and a new acquaintance you'd made in London.

After putting everything away you greeted Danny, the sweet dog wagging his tail upon seeing the flowery human he had so missed. The sweet dog was quickly given belly rubs and kisses but before you could say anything to him in a doting voice, there was a loud yell.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The dog and the (H/C) gardener watched as Jojo ran across the estate, jumped over the fountain and into the mansion, "DIOOOOO!"

Quickly leaving Danny outside, you follow the Joestar in worry. He had a nasty temper sure, but you'd never seen the blue-haired boy so angry.

Dio, who'd been sitting in front of the grand staircase reading, slammed the book and stood up maliciously, "Hush boy. You won't speak my name in vain again if you know what's good for you."

Name in vain? What an odd thing to say. Accusing someone of blasphemy didn't seem like something Dio would care for. Though maybe it was more about ego than anything religious.

"We end this now! I won't let you sully an innocent maidens honour!" Jojo was still rushing forward, raising one of his fists, "Your fight is with me, dammit!"

You hang back by the front door, confused about the situation. Dio had done what now?

The blonde in question pointed to himself smugly, "Upset about Erina? That she shared her favours with me? And now you intend to give me a proper thrashing for my impotence."

You blanch. Cringing with your whole body and leaving the door behind you as you rush in. You'd heard enough to piece together what happened and it seemed like the two boys were going to shake a flannin, and well you weren't against that if Dio had hurt Erina.

Hell, you wanted to kick the bastards head in.

Sadly there were a few too many rules about hurting a lords son, adopted or otherwise, for you to fight Dio on sight. Though, with the amount of fury being pumped through your veins in the heat of the moment, you suppose a punch won't hurt.

Well, it'll hurt Dio but you get what I'm trying to say.

"This time, Dio, you have gone too far!" Jojo leaps forward, intending to sock the blonde right in the face but Dio swooshes a dodge under the fist.

"You may be right, but you're the one who'll pay!" The Brando skillfully shoves his elbow into Jojo's nose, causing blood to spill out immediately, "Ready to repeat your performance from our boxing match? Be my guest."

It was at this point, you notice the change in colours and patterns. Everything was washed in yellow, making the blonde blonder and making Jonathan look green. You even looked like a fucking sunflower.

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