Chapter Two

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"Heavy is the head that wears the crown, don't let greatness get you down."


To say you enjoyed boxing would be a bit of a lie. It was quite boring actually, watching a bunch of assholes from town punch each other.

You'd tried to get them all into kickboxing so you'd at least have something entertaining to watch but it'd never really caught on. Even then you were more fond of fighting with no rules. You weren't vicious or fond of hurting people, but there was this thrill only a real fight could instil in you.

'A fight is only really interesting if somebody gets shanked.'

Of course, that didn't extend to Jonathan. He was never the dull type, even beating people up. Hence why you went with him every time he participated in a match.

More so however because he always needed help wrapping his non-dominant hand before he put the gloves on but eh. Who could hate the blueberry boy for not supporting his wrists properly even though they take all the impact of a punch?

'Not me that's for sure.' You thought, though there was an odd apprehension settling in your bones about the upcoming fight.

"Jojo, I've got a funny feeling about today, no seriously," You sigh and hand him the boxing gloves, "I'm gonna have to wish you extra good luck."

"As much as I appreciate that (N/N), I have been training for a while now and I'm confident that I'm going to win today." Smiling somewhat cheekily at you, Jojo continued, "Of course you'll still need to cheer for me loudly."

"Yeah, yeah, can't risk you going a minute without me boosting your gentlemanly ego." You smirk and the Joestar pouts.

"Well excuse you, as a gentleman I have no need for you to boost my ego. My pride is in the upkeep of pure beliefs and virtues, not anything arrogant like my fighting skills," Jojo huffed.

"Come now, Jojo, I was just teasing. It's alright if you're proud of yourself for working hard and getting stronger. Besides couldn't you be allowed to be proud of having big muscles at your age? I'm certainly jealous of you."

The Joestar went pink and was about to respond when the announcer called his name and the conversation was cut short.

"You're lucky I have to step into the ring now you... You silly servant or else I'd give you the what for." Jojo grinned at you before heading for the ring.

"Silly servant? Very witty, I'll cheer you on just for your brilliance sir." With no sarcasm whatsoever you stood with the crowd as Jojo entered the ring.


"Introducing our surprise opponent, Dio Brando!" The announcement filled you up with dread and by the looks of it, Jojo wasn't pleased either.

'Bugger, that'll be this odd feeling then won't it.'

You scowled slightly, the same guy who'd kicked poor Danny was now going to fight Jojo. You had faith in your friend but what's faith compared to the guy who'd practically knocked out the large dog in one blow. Passionflower poppycock. Faith-smaith. Jojo was fucked more or less.

You'd still cheer him on though. Obviously.

"Now fight!" The announcer quickly moved out of the way as Jojo attempted to pummel Dio.

"You can do it, Jojo! I believe in you!" Upon seeing that Dio was able to dodge all of the punches being thrown at him your enthusiasm died down, "Woo. Go, Jojo... Woo... Shit."

Just as easily as he'd dodged all the punches, Dio had hit Jonathan square in the mouth, the force of it sending Jojo back to the edge of the ring.

Whilst the rest of the audience cheered for Dio you manoeuvred past the excited crowd towards Jojo. Though the crowd stunk a lot at such close proximity, you bravely pushed through them.

"Are you alright there Jojo? That was some punch! Would you get offended if I said it was a great fight to watch?" Since the only response you got was a grunt, you crouched down to help him sit up, "Bugger me you're practically bleeding out! How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Just the middle finger." Jojo groaned out, using your help to sit up slowly, "Very funny."

"Odd you don't sound very amused sir. Golly, what happened to your eye?" Carefully poking around the skin with your fingers you almost gasped, "Don't tell me Dio's made your eyes bleed! That's kinda freaky... Hey! I can feel him staring at you right now!"

"I think he's staring at both of us." Upon Jonathan's words, you turned around and realized that Dio was legitimately staring at two of you in a smug, scheming sort of way.

"I don't suppose he thinks we're attractive?" You smirk and Jonathan lets out a pained laugh, "Come on, let's get going before he starts gloating to us beautiful people."


The next day the two of you were outside with Danny. Jojo sat on a tree branch thinking whilst you and Danny cuddled up together against the bottom of the tree. Next to the large oak was a peaceful stream and on the opposite, a small slope. From the blades of grass between your fingertips to the softly painted sky, all was at peace. All of the natural world seemed to sway in the gentle wind like some old paradise.

Until three of the chaps at the boxing match loudly walked along the nearby path. They pretended to hear something odd when Jonathan approached so they could laugh at him. Then the little shits just ran off and called him a snitch 'just like Dio had said he was' after Jojo had gotten mad at them.

Luckily for the three fellows, you'd slept through the entire exchange.

"Dio he's slandering me! He lies and lies and people just eat it up! From the first day he showed up he's been trying to destroy me! Damn you, Dio Brando! Dio, Dio, Dio, Dio!" Upon the final melodramatic Dio, Jojo jumped and rolled down the small hill and laid down beside the river.

"Ever since he arrived everyone's turned on me! Even father!" This managed to wake you up, and you just sleepily laugh at him in a reassuring kind of way.

"Don't be silly Jojo, you still have me and Danny. No matter what Dio says you can't get rid of us." This seemed to cheer Jojo up enough for him to smile.

"Right! No matter what Dio says you'll still be my friends!"

"Exactly- Erina?" The three of you, Danny included, turn to see the pretty blonde girl placing a basket on a tree branch.

The lilac girl quickly left though and Jojo and Danny headed over to the tree. After grabbing the basket and talking to himself Jojo called out to Erina.

"You know, I'll be here tomorrow if you want to come back!" He happy giggled and sat down muttering once more before chucking Danny one of the fruits.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you've taken a bit of a fancy to her Jojo." You smugly walked over to them and snatched up some of the fruits and after tasting them you say, "Ah the benefits of young love."

"Wow (N/N), I'm surprised you bothered walking all the way over here just to tease me." Jonathan sighed as you sat next to him on the opposite side of Danny, munching on more of the fruit.

"Who said I was teasing Jojo? I wouldn't blame you if you're smitten," You announced proudly, smirking at Jojo.

"Stop being silly and enjoy the fruit, (N/N)." Was all Jojo had to say so you merely laughed and ate with him and Danny.


Lemme know what you think guys! I know I used a lot less Victorian slang in this chapter! Have a good one yo!

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