Chapter Thirteen

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   P H A N T O M  B L O O D

  "I'll hit the ceiling or else I'll tear up this town, tonight I gotta cut loose."


6th November 1880, the night everything changes.

"I tracked down the antidote, father took it just moments ago," Jojo says solemnly, placing the candelabra in his hands on a table.

Thunder booms and a brief light flashes in the room, illuminating the statue of the Joestar's guardian angel looming over the three of you and the fear on Dio's face.

What had happened to his arm in the three days you were gone?

You stand nervously beside Jojo, quiet for once and glancing between the two guys you loved. Fuck.

"Dio this pains me greatly. For years you were my brother and now I've got no recourse but to turn you in. I'm sorry really," Jojo continues and Dio scoffs, sitting down opposite you both.

"I'm sure you don't believe a word of it but, I'm telling you the truth." Jojo finishes, fixing Dio with a remorseful look, you make sure your hand is in holding reach.

"Even now you show compassion," Dio's voice is soft when he finally speaks. There's some sad sort of emotion in his but you're not sure if it's real, with him being a fibber this whole time and all.

"Jojo, I've been a devil but grant me this one wish," The marigold blonde continues, causing Jojo to gasp while you cringe nervously, "Allow me to do the right thing once in my life and turn myself in."

Oh. Well, that's unlike him.

"My wicked deeds nawr at me! The poverty I knew as a child ate away at my moral compass until greed was all that remained!" The Brando yells out and it really does seem like he's sorry. He must be sorry, right?

"I'm the lowest of the low, your father took me and I repaid his kindness with poison!" At this point, the blonde begins to cry.

You glance away from him, guilt sinking like a weight in your heart. A heart so previously filled with love for Dio. Did you still possess such damnable feelings? Three days should totally be enough to erase eight years, right?

Ugh, but he's so cute when he cries.

Despite yourself, you look back at the blonde. Why had you been born like this? One pretty boy cries and all of a sudden he can do no wrong. Were you that horny or had your own moral compass been eaten away after all the times you'd eaten out Dio?

"The only reason I came back was to surrender myself! If I wanted to flee you would've never laid eyes on me again," Dio sobs.

"I see your point," Jojo says simply, shocked at his evil adopted brother's not so evil behaviour.

"Please allow me to make amends." Dio continues and in all your guilt-filled, self-doubting oogling, you notice his good hand reaching inside his sling.

"Dio." You warn, simultaneous with Jojo's own "Dio..." Filled with forgiveness for his evil murder bro who's totally sorry.

"Look alive master Joestar," Speedwagon says, revealing himself with a match, "He's trying to lure you in, like it not."

Wait holy shit, Speedwagon? When did he- How did he- Is the automobile outside his then? Speedwagon's speed wagon? He must've followed you here from London.

All three of you look at the hat bearing man, Dio angry, Jojo shocked and you pleasantly surprised.

"Right about now you're probably wondering who I am," Speedwagon pauses to blow out the match in a fluid motion, "Allow me to elucidate ya."

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