Chapter 16 Angel

Depuis le début

He was surprised when instead of drinking it, his normally stoic friend simply looked down at the water with tears falling down his face.

They dripped down bit by bit, some falling down to the ground, some captured by the water in the paper cup. Nothing makes one's heart ache more than seeing a man like Hyun Bin cry.

Neither of them knew what to say except to offer him some comfort in the form of silence. In the end, Ji Hye could only pat Hyun Bin's shoulder gently while Jung Hyun went to get them more water.

In the silence, Rose leaned her head on Hyun Bin's lap while the man cried. Slowly, Hyun Bin placed his hand atop her golden head, stroking the soft, silky fur with his trembling fingers. They were both worried for Ye Jin and they couldn't do anything about it. How did it even get to this point?

Hyun Bin didn't have the answer to that. All he could do was pray desperately that there wouldn't be any serious complications for Ye Jin.

Now, they wait.

The group stood up when Ye Jin was wheeled back. Hyun Bin finally stopped shaking and was relatively calmer now as he faced the doctor. He sought consolation from the fact that Ye Jin's complexion was looking better now although it still didn't strip away all of his worries.

"How is she, Doctor?" Hyun Bin asked seriously.

"The X-ray showed no signs of concussions. We concluded that Ms Son simply passed out from exhaustion. Her sugar levels were also a little low and she is also showing symptoms of the common flu. We will prescribe some medication for the flu but it is best that she rests fully. I will not recommend any strenuous activity for the next three days or until her fever subsides. That will be all." The doctor informed them.

"Gamsahamnida." Hyun Bin bowed to the doctor.

"It's my duty. Do collect the medication from the counter. Ms Son can leave once she wakes up." The doctor smiled.

The group bowed once again as the doctor left them and Hyun Bin took his seat again. Rose was already laying on the ground next to Ye Jin's bed, quietly defending her friend from any harm. Now next to her again, Hyun Bin's inner demons were appeased when he grabbed onto her hand.

"Gomawo for being okay." Hyun Bin whispered before he placed a chaste kiss on the back of her hand.

Jung Hyun and Ji Hye respectfully looked away from the couple, feeling oddly unused to Hyun Bin's raw show of affection for a woman.

Sure he had dated in the past but the past year changed Hyun Bin. He became more withdrawn about his feelings and stopped wearing his heart on his sleeves.

Like Ji Hye, Jung Hyun was humbled by the fact that the girl laying on the hospital bed was bringing their old friend back little by little.

Minutes later, Hyun Bin turned to his friends, conveying his thanks silently. If they weren't here with him, he wouldn't have known how to handle his worry. He was extremely grateful for them even though he didn't say it out loud.

Between old friends, there was simply no need for the formalities that came with thank yous, and I'm sorry. They simply understood even without the need for words.

Such was friendship.

"You should both go. It's getting late, and you have an early call time tomorrow." Hyun Bin reminded them.

"Are you sure you'll be okay, Hyun Bin oppa?" Ji Hye confirmed, her usual doe-like eyes wide with worry.

"I'll be fine." Hyun Bin nodded.

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