Chapter 16: Desperation

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However, the person on the phone wasn't Giran instead it was a different voice with a voice changer. The individual told them to check the news since they had asked where Giran was and on the news, it provided information about fingers and articles of clothing that had been found in different locations across Japan. Though if they looked close enough they would notice that each location had significance to one group which was the League of Villains as each location is where they launched a major attack or action by their organizations.

Then the person on the phone revealed who they were to the League. "The person you are speaking to is none other than the grand commander of the Meta Liberation Army, Re-Destro!" said the man on the phone which made Izuku and the others freeze a bit. 'Are you fucking kidding me! How the hell did the government never find out about this group!' Izuku thought as he knew he needed to figure out a time to alert Nezu and Gran Torino of this huge development as Japan would need to prepare for the coming troubles if that group truly had made a comeback.

Re-Destro talked about how Giran was alive but wouldn't be freed even though Shigraki asked for it. Re-Destro talked about how the MLA wanted people to be free to use their abilities as they wished and saw fit which Izuku found stupid. 'If people sued as they saw fit then that is nothing but anarchy as humans are not creatures of logic. People would be far worse than they are in current days in discriminating against others.' Izuku thought as Mr. Compress said he didn't see a reason to oppose that. Re-Destro then went on to talk about how their broker was an impressive man who deleted his client list even though he wouldn't give anything up as he had his fingers removed.

Then Re-Destro went on to talk about how they finally recovered it even though he resisted in the end. "Also, you said we are a merry band of revolutionaries? I don't think an organization of 116,516 fellow liberation warriors that are lying in wait and ready for action would be a merry band. That is quite insulting after all." Re-Destro said and Izuku was honestly terrified if that was indeed true which the man proved his abilities as Spinner said he had to be bluffing as Re-Destro provided their exact locations which meant they had the resources to at least do that which was a massive ability to do.

Re-Destro wanted them to come to Deika city in Aichi Prefecture to fight them as the Meta Liberation Army would wipe the League of Villains out before making their declaration of war as it would serve them for their awaking into the world. Soon the call came to an end with a warning to either come and be destroyed or wait for heroes to come to them to capture them and that was a bold threat which means the numbers might very well be true on the Meta Liberation Army. 'This isn't good at all!' Izuku thought. 

Soon the group broke out into conversation on what to do before Shigaraki removed Twice mask which sent him into a panic since he used it to keep himself a bit sane. Shigaraki then asked if the doctor had heard the entire conversation which he said he did indeed. 'Godo thing I left my communication device here when I met Gran Torino last time!' Izuku thought of the luck he had in leaving it behind in preplanning. After a bit more talking between Shigaraki and the doctor, a plan was made as they were going to Deika City in the Aichi prefecture as Shigaraki knew Gigantomachia would track him down which meant Gigantomachia would fight everyone that belonged to the MLA which would wear the giant down.

Overall, it was a smart plan but Izuku had an issue! He couldn't alert Nezu of this since he didn't have a chance as they were already leaving! Shigaraki was having the doctor warp them all from their current location to where Dabi was so they would head to the city. Izuku really hoped that the entire city was controlled by the Meta Liberation army and didn't have random citizens inside of the city or else this was going to be a massacre of random people! "To think... the Meta Liberation Army is truly back... this is what the quirkest bullshit the government allowed lead to. Also, it's idiotic to allow quirks to be used as the user sees fit. That is no better than anarchy!" Izuku said as they all looked at him as they were standing on the hill which Mr. Compress asked him to explain his thoughts since he didn't see an issue with it.

"Mr. Compress, if you see no issue with it then you see no issue with Spinner being killed simply for his mutation. Humans are no logical creatures as they are weak to desires and being lead down dark paths. How do you think most of us ended up in our positions? It was due to a lot of people using their quirks freely as they saw fit like how I was a quirk-test dummy during my childhood. Without laws governing humans, we would not have left the stone age because laws allow humans to act within boundaries that society deems normal for the most part. Japan's biggest issue is that they never updated the laws for almost 200 years which lead to a lot of the current issues for discrimination. Do you see my issue with the Meta Liberation Army views?" Izuku said and Mr. Compress nodded his head and said he saw his point while Spinner shivered since it reminded him of that cult that wanted to kill him simply due to his mutation which Izuku mentioned as an example that the group would have all right to kill spinner and get away with it if quirks could be used as the user saw fit.

Mr. Compress then asked what Izuku would suggest which Izuku said common sense and logical laws that needed to be updated every decade at least to keep up with the times and changes. Soon they were spread to go down into the city when someone came up to them went to send them all on guard. It was a pro hero who was called slidin' go which confused Izuku why this Pro Hero would be here since he didn't have any patrol routes near here then Izuku got his answer which kind of unnerved him. The Pro Hero told them to follow him if they want to get the face-to-face meeting with Re-Destro!

'Are you fucking kidding me!? If... fucking shit! We need to worry less about the League having moles and more about the Meta Liberation Army having moles inside the heroes and government!' Izuku thought as they now had two large threats against their current society and Izuku blamed the society itself for allowing them to return. 'I need to warn Nezu about this so he can start preparing because this is something bigger than just our small group that was looking into the League...' Izuku thought as he followed the group behind the Pro Hero but the moment they entered the town his danger sense went off. Izuku moved close to Shigaraki and whispered to him with the MLA Pro Hero hearing him, "Be careful, we are surrender... I think the entire town belongs to the MLA." Izuku said in a low tone that only his group heard and they all nodded their heads and could notice Pro Heros on the roofs around them.

Shigaraki decided to ask the question, "The whole city, huh?" Shigaraki asked as they came to a stop but then someone else answered as a man in a black coat came out to speak. "Indeed, 90% of the population including the heroes here are liberation warriors that have been waiting for action. This is a liberated district!" said a man that Mr. Compress said was called Hanabata who was the leader of the hearts and mind political party. Then, suddenly everyone came out of hiding to attack the League of villains! 'Well, shit!' Izuku thought as the entire league started to fight and defend themselves against the attacks. This was going to force them to get desperate! 

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