34: One Cold Winter Night

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Astrid ran and teleported to find Dr. Bloodfern. Meanwhile, Artemis was screeching like he was dying.

"EREBUS! GET ME THOSE TOWELS ON THE CHAIR!" Hades ordered Erebus and the latter spun his head everywhere to find the chair next to him. "ARES HOLD HIS HAND WHILE I GET THE CRIB!"

"O-OKAY!" Ares nodded and stumbled over to hold Artemis's hand. "Hang in there peach, you'll be--OH DEAR LUNA! OW FUCK! ARTEMIS MY HAND!!"

"Don't you dare say you're in pain!" Artemis strained and glared at Ares with one eye. "WHERE'S DR. BLOODFERN!?!"

"I'm here!" Dr. Bloodfern finally emerged with Dia beside her.

Hades rushed in from the hallway connected to their room and the baby's room. He placed the crib on the opposite side of Ares next to the bed and took his place.

"Artemis, how are you doing?" Dr. Bloodfern asked as he got ready.

"GAAH! GIVING BIRTH IN EXCRUTIATING AGONY!! WHAT ABOUT YOU?!" Artemis screamed and crushed Hades' hand.

"Ready when you are."

Ares, Erebus, and Astrid were asked to step out of the room, so only the doctor, Hades, and Dia remained in the room with Artemis. Artemis finally dilated enough and Dr. Bloodfern began telling him to push. Artemis pushed with all his might, his face turning red from the exertion. It took about two hours before his efforts started giving results.

"Alright, here comes the head. Keep pushing your highness." Dr. Bloodfern said as he guided the infant's head out.

"You're doing great baby, you can do this. I'm right here." Hades soothed Artemis as much as he could by kissing his forehead and encouraging him.

"Is it out yet!?!" Artemis panted.

"Not yet, your majesty. Keep pushing." Dr. Bloodfern responded.

"God this hurts so much!!"

"Almost, just a little more."

Artemis put all his might in the last push and he was rewarded with the faint sound of his child crying.

Time slowed down in that second for Hades when he heard the cries. He looked towards Dia who was holding the baby and cleaning it, only its tiny arms were visible in the blanket. Hades stood up when she walked over to him and handed him the small child.

The fearsome, lone king of vampires' eyes flooded with tears of joy when he held for the very first time, a baby that was part him, part Artemis. The baby had black fuzz on its head and its face was red from how much it was crying.

"Congratulations, your majesties." Dia teared up. "You just had a baby boy."

"Everything about him is so tiny." Hades inhaled tearfully. "He's so fragile, look Artemis, our son. We have a son."

"He is so beautiful." Artemis cried as he held its little hand. "Aw, he has your nose."

Unfortunately, the moment wasn't able to last long as Artemis felt more contractions coming his way. A scream tore its way from his throat and he impulsively pushed again.

"Oh dear Luna! We have another one your majesty!" Dr. Bloodfern said in amazement.

"What?!" Hades said in surprise, still holding his baby.

This birth was quicker than the first one but it took way more blood and energy out of Artemis. He was losing color in his face, but he was still conscious.

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