34: One Cold Winter Night

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Tonight, a blizzard had hit the northern mountains of Adamite, hiding the full moon hanging in the sky. The kingdoms of Lamia and Sapphire were submerged in an unforgiving icy white field with more pouring down from the heavens.

As soon as the ninth month had started, the Crow family was anxiously awaiting the day Artemis gave birth. Hades was a whole other category of paranoid all the time, putting all his work on hold to watch over Artemis and constantly call Dr. Bloodfern with false alarms. The ninth month was almost to an end, and Artemis was ready to give birth any day now. He couldn't be any more excited about finally holding his son or daughter.

This whole week he had been getting minor contractions and stronger kicks from the baby. Because of that, he stayed in his room and had Hades take care of him.

For the time being, Artemis was sitting alone on the bed, waiting for his husband to return with his latest craving. Tonight, he wanted to eat some sugary blue berries with strawberries and bananas.

"I'm back Arty, I brought you some jasmine tea to keep you warm." Hades opened and closed the door.

"Thank you, Hades. Sorry you have to do everything for me." Artemis watched him set the tray down on the nightstand.

"It's no biggie. You're about to pop any time now, so I don't have anything nearly as important to do."

"What about all those agreements with Ezamore?"

"Eh, Josiah can handle that just fine. You and the baby are more important, I would not miss the birth for anything."

Artemis placed the bowl of fruit in his belly and ate happily. Hades laid down next to him and admired his bump before gently caressing it.

"Are you nervous?" Artemis asked.

"Damn right I am." Hades confessed in a weary exhale. "I'm terrified, this is the real deal. Not that I would ever give my child up, but there's really no backsies anymore. The moment they're born, we're parents."

"It is really scary, but I know that if I have you by my side we can do it."

"I feel the same sweetheart. As long as I have you with me, I can take on the whole world."

They shared into the love of the moment and Artemis drank his tea. By the end of it, he felt like he needed to go to the restroom, so Hades helped him stand up and get to said place. However, along the way Artemis felt a contraction.

"You okay, beautiful?" Hades asked as he noticed him stopping and holding his stomach in pain.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a mild contraction." Artemis breathed slowly as that helped him ride out the pain.

"Are you sure?"

Artemis felt the pain starting to relax and he let his guard down. However, he regretted it as soon as a sharp stab hit him, much more painful than any of the ones he'd felt before. His knees trembled and Hades had to catch him before he fell.

"Artemis!" Hades called. "Artemis what's wrong?! Is it time?!"

Artemis couldn't answer as he gritted his teeth. He began sweating, breathing harshly, and squeezing the life out of Hades' hand.


Artemis snapped his eyes open when he felt fluid rush out of him. Hades looked down not sure what this meant or what to do.

"H-Hades." Artemis trembled. "Get the doctor."

Artemis screamed as another contraction hit him.

"Okay! Uh dammit! HELP SOMEONE! SOMEONE GET DR. BLOODFERN!" Hades shouted at the top of his lungs as he settled Artemis into the bed.

"IS IT TIME?!" Erebus, Ares, and Astrid burst through the door at the same time.

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