14: Break Me For A Reason

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As they reached a hallway, Artemis felt a strange shiver run down his spine, like someone was behind him.

"Where you goin', peach?" Ares' voice startled him.

Hades immediately wrapped his arm over Artemis's waist and held him close as he let out a warning snarl.

"Chill man, quit acting like a guard dog." Ares scoffed as he appeared from the darkness. "Makes me sick to see you all attached and shit. Where did my whorish lil bro go, huh?!"

"What do you want now?" Hades whined.

"We were wondering where you're going, and wherever you were going to we would be too to annoy the shit out of you." Erebus appeared from the opposite end and ran a hand through his hair.

"God, why can't you two fuck off and go harass the maids? Hm? That's what you do best anyway!"

"Only if you come with." Ares winked.

Hades grumbled and sighed loudly as he dragged Artemis with him. As promised, Ares and Erebus followed them everywhere they went, even if Hades teleported they were right behind him.

"Are you gonna show him around the village?" Erebus guessed as they opened the main doors.

"Yes. Will you lay off now?" Hades made a forced smile.


"Why are you two so adamant about accompanying us?" Artemis questioned and looked at them both.

"It's the duty of the older brothers, peach. We follow and embarrass him til death." Ares grinned, flashing his pearly white, fanged teeth.

"Boy I sure did some fucked up shit in my past life to deserve being born as you two's younger brother." Hades muttered. "Probably killed my old older brothers."

"Quit the grumbling already and just enjoy brotherly quality time." Erebus smacked the back of Hades' head. "We've been out longer than you have, plus we're great company."

"Yeah, anyway. Darling, Artemis, is there anything you wanna take a look at?"

"Hm." Artemis looked at the night sky. "Well, in my kingdom there's a plaza that serves as a trading center for a lot of things. Do you have anything similar?"

"Oh oh! Take him to the market district!" Ares raised his hand.

"Eh, I don't know, it's full of people there. Someone's bound to prey on him." Hades scratched his chin.

"I wanna go Hades. Please? You'll be there to defend me anyway, right?" Artemis made puppy eyes at him.

Erebus and Ares copied Artemis and Hades gave in to the peer pressure. They teleported themselves to the south end of the village and when they appeared, Artemis's senses were captivated at once.

Tents of vendors and people stretched as far as the eye could see. There were areas of the market covered in colorful fabrics over their heads and the loud sound of bargaining made Artemis look everywhere. People were squeezing in and out of the bazaar, some carrying baskets of food, and other satchels of items. A sizzling sound brought the smell of food to Artemis's attention and he saw people buying the product.

Hades, Ares, and Erebus closed in on Artemis to cover him from the crowd.

"Peach, have you ever had clotted pig blood?" Erebus pointed at a nearby grill.

"No, I never have. I don't eat blood." Artemis grimaced.

"You gotta try it. It's amazing."

"Is there any other kind of local food that's edible to me offered here?"

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