shenanigans- Joel Pimentel

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Y/N's P.O.V

The boys were known for their shenanigans especially after shows since they're usually all hyped up but today pushed the limits for me and I was not having any more of it since they always pulled these things on me aka Joel's girlfriend but nope I wasn't letting them get off the hook any more because I was about to get them back so good.

I made a plan with the boy's management team to get them back and get them back good. I started my plan by collecting all my things from the tour bus and the hotel but also from the dressing room and I placed them in one of the other rooms. I now needed to hide in this room until they fully realize what is going on and that I'm gone.

Joel's P.O.V

I and the boys get off stage and head to the dressing room, When I walk in I looked around for Y/N "hey does anyone know where Y/N went?" I asked but no one knew so I and the boys searched but her and her stuff were nowhere to be seen. So we headed back to the hotel since that is the only other place she could be.

I go to our room with the boys and all of her stuff is gone and I start panicking "She's gone" I said, they looked with me but nothing was there and Zabdi checked the bus and none of her stuff was anywhere "did I do something to make her mad and leave me?" I asked scared that this was all my fault...

Y/N's P.O.V

I was getting updates from management but the minute I heard Joel was actually crying because he thought I left him for good, we grabbed my stuff and put it all back. I went to look for him since he wasn't in our room so I looked in Zabdi and Christopher's room.

I knocked and Joel opened the door "Surprise" I yelled and they stared at me "this is what happens when you all constantly prank me" I smiled but Joel really was upset "Joel I'm sorry for scaring you but come on yall always pull pranks on me and I was getting tired of dealing with it" he sighed and we walked back to our room.

We got settled and I said "Joel I'm actually sorry. I didn't know you would be as upset as you are. This was super shitty of me" he turned to look "it's okay, I get why you'd want to get us back but let's just not pull a prank like that again and we also won't do as many pranks to you anymore" I nodded and we kissed before getting settled in bed and going to sleep.

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