My little secret- Christopher Vèlez

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Y/N's P.O.V

I was Christopher's little secret from the fans and media. Everyone thought he was single and would always flirt and fling themselves at him yet behind closed doors I was there and nobody had any idea which is exactly how his management team wanted it. I was not to be seen nor heard because they wanted it to seem like the whole group was single so it would appeal the fans.

"Christopher I'm sick of pretending your not my boyfriend! either something needs to change or  I'm going to leave and you won't see me" Chris honestly looked heartbroken "Y/N please don't leave I'll see what I can do" I nodded "okay".

A week later.....

Christopher still hadn't said anything to me about talking to his management team which is super frustrating but it is what it is. Anyways I was currently sitting on the couch behind the computer as the boys had a an interview going on.

I was just on my phone scrolling through Instagram when they question of if they were single or not came up. I already knew what Chris would say or so I thought.... 

Christopher spoke up "I have a girlfriend whos been with me for 3 years now" My jaw was on the floor. the interviewer said "oh are we going to get to meet her anytime soon?" chis nodded "yes I'm going to introduce her on my Instagram later" I smiled, I've never been happier and for him to do this so unexpectedly was just absolutely amazing and makes me love him more then I already do.

Later that day

Me and Christopher just got home after their interviews and meetings when I turned to him "I wasn't expecting that today" I smiled and he leaned down kissing my cheek "I know I just decided that people should know I'm in a amazing relationship with an amazing girl" He smiled and pulled me with him to the couch in our living room. 

We sat there cuddling for an hour before he starting going through photo's of the two of us to post on his Instagram "I like that one the best" I said pointing to a photo of the two of us cuddling on the couch on the tour bus "Okay so I'll post that one and the one I took of you when you were talking to Zabdiel"  I nodded and watched him create the post.

I hopped on Instagram after he posted it and added it to my story with some hearts. I scrolled through the comment section and it was amazing, everyone was so supportive and sweet towards me and wanted to know my @ so they could follow me as well.

I was no longer Christopher's little secret and I was excited for this new chapter of our relationship.

Heyyyy everyone!! I had time today to finish this and post it since I had no class due to the fact I just did 2 midterms (which went okay btw) anyways I'm going to continue onto the next imagine and work on my book so enjoy!

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