Chapter 12: Inko Midoriya

Start from the beginning

All Might of course was the first to arrive but the other two arrived about 40 minutes later and found All Might sitting in the secured room with a notecard that appeared blank to them. "What did she tell you?" the detective asked and All Might shook his head. "She wouldn't tell me anything but she did ask me what I would do if he did it willingly. It felt like a test question from her and I think I got the reward. She gave me this notecard and written on the back is a name. I am sure I didn't have this on me when I put my coat on today." All Might said as he turned the notecard around and it showed a name. The name was none other than Gran Torino himself!

"What... why would Gran Torino be involved... wait. Nezu had Gran Torino on campus for a bit of time before he had Izuku Midoriya detained didn't he?" The detective pointed out which they both realized that it was true. Nezu had claimed that Gran Torino was there for a while before the arrest happened which didn't make sense if Nezu had proof already that determined that Izuku was the mole since Nezu would just arrest Izuku Midoriya outright without waiting. There was also the risk of tipping Izuku off that he was being found out. "All we can do is ask Gran Torino about his involvement in this... wait, a bit before the arrest happened... Nezu had approved Izuku Midoriya to take Eri off campus which Gran Torino went with them. If Nezu truly believed Izuku to be the mole then why would he let him take Eri off campus with only Gran Torino watching. I know the man is good but the problem child could have escaped most likely and held Eri hostage if he even found anything slightly off if his cover of a mole was blown!?" Eraserhead said remembering how Midoriya had indeed taken Eri off-campus.

All Might asked if they knew where Izuku had taken Eri since they might get lucky and see something on cameras nearby. The detective said he could access camera feeds that are outside of the school and track Izuku Midoriya down to see if they could figure something out. They could also consider asking Eri what happened that day which Aizawa said he would do when he got home since it would just be Eri, Present Mic, and Eraser since Hitoshi lived in the dorms even though he got adopted by Eraserhead and Present Mic the last semester.

They decided they would hold off on asking Gran Torino anything since the man might keep silent if he knew anything even if All Might asked because the man didn't give All Might any warning before now about all of this so it stood to reason that he would keep silent if confronted. If they could gain anything that would prove that Izuku Midoriya was being forced then they could use it to try and force something out of Gran Torino. All Might want to access the footage on campus but Nezu had already granted access to the footage but Aizawa wasn't finding anything. Though unknown to them all, Nezu had edited the security footage and unless you were paying really close attention to very small details then you wouldn't notice the fact that some of the footage looped in some moments which would be where Izuku Midoriya was at when he went to Nezu's office each time or used the tunnels that were in blind spots of cameras.

They separated from each other so that Eraserhead and All Might could arrive at the campus at different times and not raise any flags on them coming together. As Eraserhead arrived on campus late in the afternoon with the sun having already gone down for the day, he entered his apartment to find one Present Mic and Eri. Present Mic welcomed his husband home but noticed he seemed off. 

"Hey sweetie, can I ask you something?" Aizawa said using a soft tone of voice. Eri looked up at him and nodded her head as she played with her doll. Present Mic was confused about what he was asking until he heard the question. "Sweetie, when Midoriya took you to the park a while back, do you remember if he said anything that stood out to you or seemed strange?" Aizawa asked and as Eri was moving to put her doll into a spot she froze up. Both Eraserhead and Present Mic noticed it even though Eri tried to hide it with different actions. 'What the hell did you talk about problem child!?' Aizawa thought as he watched Eri deny that anything stood out to her. "We played in the park." She said without saying anything else which was odd for her since she would always talk about the smallest thing if she was with Izuku Midoriya doing anything since he was such a large factor in her life.

'She knows something but won't say... the question is why?' Aizawa thought as he thanked her and went to his room. Present Mic waited a few moments before going into the bedroom as well with the door closed behind him. "Why did you ask that?" Present Mic asked and Aizawa filled his husband in on everything about the situation since the detective had already cleared Present Mic as well from being the mole a few days ago when Present Mic left campus so Nezu couldn't easily learn about it though who was Aizawa kidding. Aizawa was sure the principal knew about everything that was going on.

"I think Problem Child told Eri something since he is a huge part of her life. He's leaving out of nowhere should have had a larger effect on her but it hasn't. She cried a bit the first day but overall she hasn't had a large change which stands out. From what we know at the moment we think Izuku Midoriya is being forced into the position he is in. We also believe Nezu and Gran Torino are both in on whatever is going on as well since Inko Midoriya gave a notecard with Gran Torino's name to All Might when he went and visited her today." Aizawa said and Present Mic nodded his head. Nothing about the situation they are looking into seemed clear cut and Aizawa was going to find out the truth!

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