[🍃🌪] overwhelmed - pierce [aphmau: my inner demons]

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hey, just saying, if you guys want me to do anything besides aphmau and miraculous ladybug, please request something. requests I will gladly take. muchos gracias.

🌪 - frustration, anger, broken bones, blood, etc.


Everything that could go wrong, did. It was one thing after another. I got blown off by someone I was supposed to go on a date with, my fathers were paying too much attention to Ava (which usually didn't bother me) and practically forgot about you, Asch wouldn't shut up, and more. It was just building up on me. I was going into panic attacks more recently, which is bad because I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to happen about three times a day. But I was trying to hold back my anger.

I didn't want to snap at Ava or one of the boys, because in all honesty, I would probably hurt them. So as of now, I am on a walk. I had my earbuds in listening to Overwhelmed by Royal and the Serpent, trying to stay calm. Of course my music was blasting in my ears, I needed everything drowned out.

It was a cloudy day, which brought my mood down even worse. I was walking around the park, where only a few people were. The kids that were usually here were at home because their mothers were scared of the forecast. At this point, I couldn't deal with the chance of rain, I just needed out of the house.

But I decided to head back to the apartment, I was tired of walking and needed more water, because I finished my first two bottles. I was heading along the buildings when I got a text. I looked at my phone, and when it unlocked with my face, I saw a text from my boss.

Hey kid, I hate to do this over text, but the customers have said you've been pretty rude, and you're usually not like that. I'm gonna have to let you go, we're getting too many complaints. I hope you can find another job, I can help out of you want. Sorry kid.

My breath stopped, my walking stopped, and I stared at my phone. Ava didn't have a job, so I was the only one getting money for the household, besides our fathers paying her for doing nothing. They didn't pay me, so I needed a way to make my own income. I looked up and felt a little wet drop on my face. I wiped it off and started to walk again. But, instead of just a drizzle, it poured. I ducked into a barely covered alley, and stood.

It didn't feel good when the water shocked me while I was holding my phone. I threw it onto the ground and watched it smoke before the smoke got washed away by the rain. I stood in the pouring rain, wit no phone, and with a slightly burnt hand.

I tried to control my breathing, but honestly I was getting dizzy and my breathing was picking up. I rested my head on the brick wall I was next to and put my hands on it. My vision turned blurry, and I knew I was crying. I couldn't feel it, all I felt was rage. It was so overwhelming, I couldn't control it. My life was going downhill.

I stood back and built up all my rage, turned my hand into a fist (which happened to be the burnt one), and I swung my arm through the air, hitting the brick with my hand. I could barely hear the crack of my knuckles. I knew I would most definitely feel the pain later, but I couldn't stop myself from punching the wall. One, two, three.. it wouldn't stop. I only got myself to calm down by thinking of a certain someone, the boy I had a crush on — Pierce.

My hand barely came in contact with the wall again, and I backed off. I looked at my hand and noticed it was definitely broken, and blood was running down my hand. I straightened my hand out and felt the bones pop, but it didn't hurt. I walked out of the alley and towards the apartment.

As I arrived, I walked in the building soaked. I took the elevator to the third floor, walking to my shared apartment. I reach out with my bad hand and opened the door, slamming it behind me. I walked in to hear Leif and Asch yelling at the TV, Noi laughing and giggling with Johnny on the floor, and Ava and Rhys in the floor. When they all noticed I walked in, they all turned to me. "Oh my gosh! Y/n! What happened? Your hand!" Ava said.

I pushed her away, "I just want to me alone, so please, leave me alone." I turned and walked to my bedroom, closing and locking the door. I walked into the bathroom that was connected to my room, and I slipped off my clothes. I looked at my naked body in the mirror, hating every second of it. I went to the shower and turned it on, stepping in when the water was warm.

I watched the blood come off my hand and go down the drain. When I was warmed up and somewhat cleaner, I stepped out and changed. I put on a large t-shirt so I didn't have to wear a bra, and a pair of leggings. I grabbed my first aid kit out of my bathroom cabinets and I walked to my bed, sitting down. I opened it, and didn't notice the door open while I was focusing on what I needed to get out, until I felt a dip in the bed next to me.

I gasped and jumped, looking over. Pierce was sitting there, and he put his robe over my arms. and back. He just looked at me, waiting for me to do something, I suppose. I looked to the door, which was still shut and locked, and decided not to question. Pierce reach over me and grabbed the first aid kit, setting it in his lap. I watched him closely, and he pulled out all the needed things.

I brung my leg up onto the bed so I was facing him better. He took my (dominant hand) hand into his and held it softly. he opened the bottle of cleaner and started wiping down my hand. Without me saying anything, he spoke, "I have had to do this on Daemos, I am trained to know medical knowledge so I can help my soldiers in battle if needed."

I nodded slightly, and the pain was started to form. It came very quickly, in fact. When Pierce finished with the cleaner, I winced. I could not feel the throbbing pain of my broken knuckles, and possibly fingers. He looked over to me. "Are you starting to hurt?" he asked. I nodded. "I understand."

I watched him bandage and wrap my hand tightly, to where I could barely move it. He slowly sat my hand back in my lap and cleaned up all of the paper towels and such, throwing it into the trashcan in my bathroom. He also took the first aid kit and put it back under the sink. He began to walk towards the door and unlock it, but I had to speak up, "Hey, Pierce..?"

He turned around to look at me. "C- Can you stay?" He stood for a moment and then nodded again. He came and sat back down next to me, looking at me like he was waiting for me to say more now. "Do you want to watch Netflix? He did his signature nod. "Okay, you can lay down while I turn on my TV and get us some snacks.

He agreed and climbed over to lay down. I stood and got the remote and turned on the TV, and walked to my drawer of secret depression snacks. I pulled some of them out and turned to Pierce. He sat with his back against the headboard and slightly laying. I noticed him watching me, to which I gave a small smile. I got everything ready on the bed, and turned on one of my favorite shows, (favorite show).

I slowly climbed onto the bed, being careful of my hand. I moved towards Pierce, to which he tensed up when I moved into his lap. He soon understood and put his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I smiled and got comfortable, turning the LED lights I had on to a red color. We moved around a bit before finding a comfortable position to watch.

Though, he seemed to pat my head, which made me very sleepy. I closed my eyes, and before I drifted off, I whispered a thank you.



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- silver
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